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Shadow X

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2 owes Virgo a rune set

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  1. Back in 2003 World 3 Craigberry11 was technically a teammate but would start shit every day me and my real life brothers would mass all our friends at Varrock church to take back control of the world. Should have been given the War Drums and left out out of the decision making process this complete inability to let go and move on is not healthy.
  2. Turmoil Soul Split and being able to carry enough supplies to keep fighting forever. Terror Bird and those energy scrolls you could play some serious mind games with persistent targets.
  3. 18 Minute Theater of Blood - YouTube
  4. Shadow X

    South park

    southparkstudios.cc.com They're website
  5. Why bother mentioning something you did to effect me if you don't want to hear a response? This Geekish Superitorty complex thing your doing is cute though it's a game you have an alias grats and welcome to my thread.
  6. I actually kept my mouth shut most the time because I liked those 20v20s at midnight and was surrounded by better people at the time but thanks. Can't be totally gone I'm pretty confident that I'm the only person I know that left RoT once it began blatantly and openly Doxing and DDosing again.
  7. So nothing worked until I was trolling him at the fishing guild and entertaining the trade screens without fulling understanding where he wanted me to mislick into.
  8. RIP Scythe and Ancestral I actually did this after losing tbow a month ago
  9. Back when the 200,000 people playing a peak hours would be mostly running around the wilderness :c
  10. Shadow X


    I don't like hearing my voice :c
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