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Everything posted by B0rntowildy

  1. smack the hair off my ass while you're at it
  2. smack this big ole dump truck idiots
  3. B0rntowildy


    why dont you let us see all the no votes...dirty crusty asses
  4. ive gone skydiving...surreal experience and probably will do it again sometime. next on the list is bungee jumping.
  5. if you dont brush your teeth and wash your stinky ass fucking mouth before you eat breakfast you're disgusting af bro. how tf do you eat knowing your mouth smells like complete dogshit.
  6. this triggered something in me idk what though
  7. proud to have been in rot when we killed VR lmao
  8. i get like 130 wpm and i thought i was a greaser. if you get over 150 wpm you needa reevaluate your life.
  9. B0rntowildy

    new sig

    shut the fuck up
  10. cant tell if you're serious about those shoes or not ngl
  11. Probably anyone that was in cor in 09 and is still around (code, sh0w, etc.).
  12. https://www.catholicnews.com/christian-leaders-in-jerusalem-express-concern-over-growing-violence/ https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20210511-palestinian-priest-calls-on-christians-to-help-defend-al-aqsa/ Have you ever actually met/had a conversation with a Palestinian Christian? This may come as a surprise to you, but I've actually got plenty of Palestinian Christian friends :P. Also forgot to mention, but isn't it odd seeing so many orthodox Jews protest against Israel? Not to mention the fact that there's also Jews currently living in Israel that speak out against Israel.
  13. As a Palestinian-American who once lived in Palestine you couldn't be further from the truth, but that doesn't surprise me considering the nonsense crap you've been spewing this entire thread lmao. The MAJORITY of Christian Arabs oppose Israel AND Israel also displaces Palestinian Christians...not just Muslims. Again I wouldn't expect you to know this, but dont talk about a subject that you clearly know nothing of – your great grandfather being Palestinian doesn't give you an ounce of credibility. I couldn't give two fucks about what any ridiculous religion or man in the sky says in regards to who has rights to the land (that includes Islam)...any human-being with a miniscule amount of decency would agree forcibly kicking families out of their homes/sniping medical staff/beating women/bombing and killing a beach that children were playing on are despicable crimes. Not sure if you know this but Israel came before Hamas. Also, Muslims are allowed to marry Jews so that doesn't really back your statement. Muslims hate Israel...not Jews. Source: Palestinian with a Muslim background.
  14. Do you believe being gay is a mental disease? If so, wouldn't that contradict your stance on psychology/mental illnesses?
  15. Do you have any sisters and if so (assuming they portray the same amount of love for the great state of Texas) would you be open to a non-platonic relationship with your sister(s)?
  16. Pretty ironic that you claim to not believe in psychology and simultaneously seem to suffer from a mental disorder. Also find it ironic that, as the jesus nut rider you are, you're in support of Israel rather than Palestine (where your idol jesus was born) which is home to millions of fellow jesus nut riders (in case you didnt know there are also many palestinian christians). You said you don't care about foreign policy...maybe you should refrain from talking about it entirely since you're clearly braindead on matters relating to it xD. I whole heartedly condemn bullying, but for some reason if you admitted to being bullied that'd be the least shocking thing mentioned in this topic lmfao.
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