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Everything posted by Brazz

  1. Brazz

    9 0

    Congrats mate
  2. Happy birthday man, hope you are able to celebrate it well!
  3. Hello everyone, I made a bracket challenge group for the NBA playoffs if anyone would like to partake. https://picks.nba.com/bracket-challenge/groups/16636/join/9c74752fab?iid=bracket-challenge-game-share-via-copy Raps back2back nerds
  4. Bazz, people would always confuse me with him ?
  5. wow pete grats, you were 125 for ages man
  6. Welcome to the community man
  7. Brazz

    Tempest vs Kurimao

    nice vid man looked fun
  8. Tanz Muta on 520 kc at Zulrah
  9. lets go man keep it up
  10. I’m pissed right when I left, congrats I guess
  11. Brazz

    90 Hunter

    congrats man, gl on pet
  12. Love it, I used poh teas as well. Can’t fucking stand stews
  13. Congrats man keep up the grind!
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