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Everything posted by MILAD

  1. biggest prebailer that would get 1 hit back in the day hahaha I'm just playing man. Remember your name. Welcome aboard.
  2. like i said yesterday, it all went too smooth for my liking
  3. me and you probably talked like once or twice, never crossed each other`s path except when we faced each other in fights. Gotta say that there was a lot of talk when you left Cor. I for one was shocked as hell. If you can go back and change something to what made you leave, what would it be and why?
  4. probably applebee`s What the fuck is wrong with people eating there
  5. I never had any problems with Cor. Fun fights for most part. Disliked them when I was in EH, although not when I was in TT. The Titans
  6. Hey Jen!! ❤️ Welcome xo
  7. I was always comfortable leading when I knew I had the likes of @Dickus, Xxdknightxx, @dnd5 and Jervin binding behind me. In EH, Lil Blaknite and Blk Nkight were crazy. Remember Blk @3lite @Vanuckle?
  8. With that being said, I feel like I've written a book. Thank you all for your questions. It has been tiring writing all of those paragraphs, giving you detailed answers to all of your questions, but an amazing experience. I hope that you got what you came for. Also thank you @true for offering me the opportunity to do this AMA. Milad out.
  9. Jack - Led the clan with with the purest of intentions. Wanted to create something unique, a small group of elite warriors to be the next thing. We started out great under his leadership. In fact, our aspirations and goals were what any mid-sized clan wished to be; grow our way slowly to the top. I feel like some of the assessments he made in terms of our crashwar with PH/Downfall were the right path for us. It was giving us constant action. I feel like the minute he decided it was time for us to retaliate instead of negotiating a way out of putting the members through something they didn't wish to be a part of, is the moment we fell right into their trap. I followed suit. I wasn't going to quit on him either. He did what he thought was best, with the support from the officials. Pedro - A real warrior behind the scenes. He was active, attended almost all of our events. He did a lot of work that people on the outside wouldn't see. I feel like he doesn't get the appreciation he deserves. Mitzella - A real work force in terms of organizing the forums, the members and the community. She had periods where she would turn into an emo like Redroc, but she was a key official during my time in Genesis. Tika - Fucking boarding school. N Forest - I valued your opinion a lot during my time in Gen, even though you were a quiet one. You were the most active official and always put all of your energy into the clan. It goes without saying that your value was immense in Genesis. I have nothing but positive things to say about Marcus. Redroc - I love Luke, but like I said, emo. I want to be remembered as the guy that fought and led for almost the entirety of the fight against Divine Forces that lasted 24 hours. Too many to mention. We had so many girls, and they were all being hit on left and right. We had so many hidden relationships and so many public. From Plav with Lola, to Kezzab Reds and Roaminggal, to Altharion1 and Zayts. Apparently the beast tank, iSteph, turned out to be a guy and God knows how many tried chatting that one up. Honestly, Bish probably had some of the goods too. Who knows. I always tried to keep myself out of that bs and focus on the in-game action instead lol.
  10. A very strong Brazilian clan. I always thought your beef with other Brazilian teams/clans was enjoyable to watch from the outside of things. It added a lot to the clanning community. TCL and other Brazilian teams/clans were also a big reason to diversity in the clanning scene. You proved that you could assemble a group of people from the same nation and create something of your own, which spiced things up for other individuals to do the same and thus the growth of Brazilian clanning. I respected that, a lot. Back when I joined EH, I was in elementary school. My first fight, I believe, was a week prep against VR, uncapped run in. The one after that, against DI. I used to sit in class and it was all I thought about. Sometimes I would draw characters of our leaders take fall ins and call piles. I would create spam towers with texts piling up on top of each other on my paper. Teacher saw me do that and asked what I was drawing. I was shy. I didn't want to reveal my secret. My classmates saw how she insisted on knowing what I was drawing, so a lot of the kids gathered around me in class and forced an answer out of me. I told them that I was playing Runescape and I was in a clan called Eternal Honour. I told them that we're going to fight a clan in a week prep fight against called Damage Incorporated. Everyone laughed at me. I was bullied for the entire year. I'll never forget it LOL. No regrets tho, one of the funniest situations ever. Luckily, the same year when I turned 13, we started 7th grade which meant that the school I was attending was no longer the school I needed to attend to anymore because it was mandatory to switch after the 6th. Many of my classmates didn't attend the same school I chose back then. This all happened coincidentally, by the way. Maybe once or twice. Once he left, he truly left. ? It's the question we all want an answer to, don't we Jorrit...
  11. Haha yeah man. I wasn't your typical calm guy, I never liked being one either. I had a lot of good friends in Cor back in the day and I would see myself fit in perfectly in there. In TT, we were always friendly and never had any "real beef". It was always a pleasant time setting up fights with you guys - no drama, no headache. Just business. Thank you for reading the topic, Code! ? It was exhausting, but exhilarating. I was filled with adrenaline the entire time. Bear in mind that we were fighting DF, our biggest rivals at the time. A clan we carried a lot of hatred for and despised in every meaning. In our heads, we were never going to lose that fight. It was simply not an option, at all. I had to take breaks in between. The reason I was there for 22 out of the 24 hours was because I had to leave and then come back. We had people like Cravez turn up out of nowhere. A lot of retireds just popping in because of the fact that DF was our opponent. My parents weren't present that day. Although my room smelled worse than a stable filled with horseshit. I barely ate that day. I made it out with sweets and salty snacks. Water too. When I came back and saw that many old faces had returned to the game, I was excited, and very happy. I missed a lot of what a community like the one we have today in Tempest bring you. The joy, the laughter, the stories. It's everything I missed in Runescape. As for the most unpleasant thing... People still have some kind of e-pride...and 2021 is on the horizone. Imagine... Arguably one of the best Saturdays in my life. Cringe, but yeah. Haha! Elf Season all day. Hunting them was one of the most enjoyable moments with EH. Hands down.
  12. I`ll say this: You didn't need PH. You had bigger pulls and better potential. It is kind of weird, but at the time it was more appealing than those clans you mentioned. We could've continued and actually managed, but that's a story for another time I guess ? Haha, I know man. I'm not typically an academic person, but I managed to study my way through to an accounting degree. I don't work with accounting, except take care of my own books. NFL is not the best sport on the planet, it's football, but NFL isn't far behind ? I'm not a fan of any team in the NFL at all. I prefer watching all teams play and always look forward to a good game.
  13. Hardly what happened. After Bish had left, I tried to get the clan rolling again but most of our leadership were e-edating and when I tried to make things work, called people out, some certain individuals were given the rank to suddenly become decision makers. It was as if TT had turned into a sect, unfortunately. Nobody was even close to leading the clan after Bish. The Rising - always clean and respectable fights. They had mature leaders. Crimson Raiders - It wasn't up until the small rivalry with EH that I had the utmost respect for CR. They were a respectable mid-sized clan that wasn't part of the dirty outside the game actions. I always thought that they gave us clean fights, even with TT. Honestly, it pissed me off. No offence to CR, but we were putting our energy on the wrong clan and we didn't realize that the more it happened, and the longer it continued, the more we'd fool ourselves that we have suddenly become a mid-sized clan as well. It was too latefor us. However, I enjoyed the healthy beef. I enjoyed the fights. They were clean as far as I remember and that's all I care about to be honest. Petyr Baelish from Game of Thrones. I'm a very caring guy to those that are close to me and those I hold in high regard. Those that I don't, I find a way into their lives and cripple them from behind the scenes. I am not an evil guy, nor am I a nice guy. I serve myself and my family only. Although, unlike Petyr Baelish, I hope that I won't get my throat slashed with a dagger.
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