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Everything posted by Nanne30

  1. Nanne30

    World Cup

    Europe and south america hardes qualify. This world cup will have a fuckload of teams and tbh concacaf has low level football so you can expect that as well.
  2. Nanne30

    World Cup

    Next world cup will be hosted in Cannada, USA and Mexico. Would you go to a game if it is on your city or close to it? I would deff go. Auto classifies canada, usa and mexico. So this means we will have 3 more from Concacaf, probably us, panama and Honduras? Will your country be there or your teamgoing throug a bad patch? 2 years away now. Costa Rica getting its shit together and we will have a good team by then. We have been going through a heavy generation change.
  3. ofc i got burnedout getting elite void when i was in TR and i stopped playing rs, i am not really playing much atm. Focusing more on my life and work, if i am available i will do clan events, because it is what keeps me here, i love being in tempy and playing with the bros But for me playing the game once i got the quest cape and found out that getting a 99 is just doing the same thing over and over it stopped making sense. Im here for the clan not the game. Yes at times i feel like playing, i log back in do some bossing and do the same 10 days later or such. Im not burned out at the moment, just focusing more on my family and work rather than RS, at the end of the day in what way being maxed in rs will benefit you irl XD or any skill in RS, time spent online is less time spent living, earning, making relations, memories and such.
  4. u mean the fun ones hahaha
  5. Envision FEstival is just around the corner, one of our many beach/jungle music festivals we got. https://www.envisionfestival.com/
  6. ye u are right rune longs where like 32k? Cant remember prices to be honest , thats what everyone used.
  7. was it? Dudes kept flashing t Swift on camera to get those rating ups!
  8. Ni was insane, to be honest its the most fun i ever had on the clan world. Their tactics where so different and their fight method, also i remember rot was the smaller nh clan than later went to the honor side. Crashing wars was fun as fuck and people got mad as hell, in NI you could do what ever the fuck you wanted. Also i dor ecall rolig rolig being a insnane caller with no TS. edit i used to rune scim or rune b axein hide and anti fire shield, then level or maged with melee or with range, thoug my stats where shit back then so i was mostly melee
  9. In your opinion which is the hardest boss in the game and is it worth it?
  10. bar is the best, and i you are really into it, you can shove it up your ass to clean your rectum.
  11. I agree with you, but they need someone sharper, at times i feel he tends to forget who he is talking with and the subject. Not fit to run anymore...
  12. Welcome to forums. I remember hunting down KTS i was in LB with @The End
  13. Nanne30


    Which has been the greatest clan of all time, most consistent, hardest to overcome on a fight, member to member quality all around the best. Which is number 2?
  14. Hey brosky welcome to forums! Glad to see you are back! Heard Larol was back playing again, please show our forums! Got my reff if needed.
  15. I work from home and on the field, nice mix.
  16. Have you been called back to office? Still WFH? What do you like about going to the office? What do you like about WFH? What do you prefer?
  17. Which clan has always ben known for having the best strategy to beat other clans?on Pkris, Pk Trips or regular wars at CWA or wildy. Which has been the best strategist member of any clan ever? Which clan surprised the clan world with new ways to fight to defeat their opponents. Obviously if it worked, all clans copy. Name who invented what type of strategy.
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