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Old School
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Everything posted by Nanne30

  1. Nanne30

    Pick one

    1 protein for the rest of your life. Which one and why? fish pork beef chicken turkey Lamb im a vegetarian and stick plantains up my ass
  2. Nanne30


    Did your clan or members ever did ddosing, hacking and weird shit to get a pity win on a online game? Did you ever do it? Did you support this back in the day?
  3. What does the britts have to say? Germany almost took em out back in they day, shouldnt be too hard
  4. How many days/ months/years would it take the USA to conquer UK? Would it do it faster than China? India? Russia?
  5. not sure what we are celebrating but gtz!
  6. Russia proved their army is unexperienced but then again which army hascombat experience now-a-days? They do, also their weapons and gear sucks compared to what the USA gifted Ukraine, those dudes look like marines now haha
  7. Terrain is a mayor factor, US had to mpull out of vietnam, the jungle won
  8. Which country would give the USA a run for their money either defending or attackig? Scenarios. Alliances of 2 could be made. USA invades X country X Country Invades USA OR Murica cant be beaten
  9. wish arsenal got rid of arsene wegner sooner haha
  10. Nanne30


    what about east vs west
  11. Nanne30


    knock yourself out!
  12. Nanne30


    IF the USA had a civil war and it split who would win? 2 different scenarios. pick your 2 winners south vs north or East vs West?
  13. gtz! what u got lol?
  14. Have you ever let someonebesides yourself in your RS account? I have only let 2 people. Both never logged in back, pretty close rs friends, that tbh if i quit, they would have my account.
  15. gtz! ive always had friends get mine hahaha
  16. you got that big dick energy going on thought you where going to max
  17. Gtz!! What are you going to do once you max @Robin? Start a new account?
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