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Old School
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Everything posted by Frankventura

  1. I wish I had that slay lvl! Gratz alot!
  2. Happy bday! You are allowed to be a full noob today 😄
  3. Nice achieves you got there! Gratz
  4. Its not going home because England left EU #brexit
  5. Gratz on that low cost Scyther
  6. Im so much into horror/terror movies, not that I expect the movie to be able to scare me, but mostly because of the story itself. And more then a story, there is a concept behind the movies, in special when they release a second or a third movie. And then to ruin it all, there is REC 3, where they forget the concept of 100% of the movie is being videotaped by someone who is a "npc" on the film and also the first zombie appears like at minute 20. I thought I was watching the wrong movie 😂
  7. Thats seems to have been really good! Ty for the fite rev
  8. Frankventura

    my intro

    Idk what to comment first, your downloaded files or the massive tabs open ahahaha Btw welcome aboard!
  9. Is it still possible to hav clean fights? 😮 Thanks PD
  10. Does pineapple go on pizza? Tell us a funny story when you were at THE
  11. Always headset while on pc and always earphones on the mobile
  12. Yes they are alive and if you eat them it makes you feel alive
  13. Gratz and GL with that pet
  14. I know you already answered how Flukejiver was born but tell us, in your mind, what is a Flukejiver? Have you ever imagine how it would be for you if you really did join DF? What are you having for dinner tonight?
  15. My google is telling me about pens lol
  16. Frankventura


    My pet #7 and collection log is completed for Gauntlet!
  17. Welcome aboard Randy Orton, from outta nowhere 😄
  18. Its bout time for @Victor and for @Nancy to step up
  19. The Hero of Foreskin Ridge (The Hero of Hacksaw Ridge) Foreskinsaw (Jigsaw) A quiet Foreskin (A quiet place) The GodForeskin (Godfather ❤️ ) 47 Foreskin (47 Ronin) I am all foreskin (I am all girls) 50 shades of foreskin (bitch please)
  20. I just wanna tell yall #zukthese
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