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Wee Man

Old School
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Posts posted by Wee Man

  1. Yeah it's kinda sad losing potential opponents but poor decision making and petty horseshit infected their clans. Take a page out of our book and just focus on fun. Ls don't matter anymore, just go out and scrap and keep your members entertained instead of acting like you're all still 16. 


    If any members are left without a clan who want to continue having fun in this game with the #1 clan/community around feel free to get active in the discord/forums and ask around for a ref.

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  2. Clans closing is never a cause for celebration in my eyes. Rev gave us a lot of action in the early days of Tempest so it was a shame to see them go down the road they did in regards to crashing and trying to "starve" opponents. I hope their members stick around and find somewhere new.

  3. Hey man. I don't recognise your name, was it different in PH?


    Nvm I missed the preferred name bit lmao. It's been a long time maxy, welcome to Tempest brother.

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