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Old School
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Everything posted by Robin

  1. We sat for about 5 hours doing corp not long after it came out, I left to go to bed cause it was about 5am and like 1 hour later they got ely and @Teemo got the boys to keep me a share. I'm sure I've had bigger nice things done for me, maybe non-rs related but this stands out cause it was considerate af and I always appreciated it.
  2. I'm very boring these days, I've had a bottle of Buckfast in the fridge since Christmas and not touched it. It talks to me sometimes. These days I might have a single malt whiskey at night sometimes but its pretty rare
  3. Robin

    do u smock weed

    Not often, Used to everyday but it made me lazy af. The Mrs smokes so I just have a puff or two from time to time depending what we are doing.
  4. Sounds like hes got a dick in his mouth when he calls
  5. Literally gave me goose bumps
  6. I've actually never tried VR but I bet that would be crazy good. I remember when the first game came out I paid £42 for it and felt like I should have paid more when I was playing lol always loved Batman and the fact that they had the OG Animated series cast as well, amazing.
  7. FF 7, 9 and 10 - 8 was shit, come at me. All GTA games Batman Arkham series was amazing Bioshock series, 2 was iffy Fallout 3/4 and new vegas didnt play the originals I've not played many games the last few years really but me and the Mrs played FF7 remake recently and she got right into it (she's the one), currently playing through the new Tomb Raider Series and its pretty decent.
  8. Gratz, I'll be 98 pray for ever
  9. Is it true you moonlight as a wrestler in Scotland?
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