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Everything posted by Isndar

  1. Isndar


    Where you able to accomplish al of your RS goals set for 2024? Yes, My sole mission was to get Achievement Diary Cape What are your goals for 2025 in RS? Since I played League, I skipped rushing 2200 totals so my goal for 2025 is getting 2200 totals and base 92's
  2. I can't play phones in the toilet especially when taking a dump...
  3. Isndar

    Im back

    big gainz
  4. Heronn gratsssss
  5. Lets go, The one Helm to rule them all
  6. all speculations but damn.
  7. I thought La Hire was our former Rider what happened lmao
  8. Isndar


    Congratulations finishing and achieving your childhood dream and goals, maxing an RS account im sure your younger self would be so proud of you and enjoy the post-max contents! all the best
  9. i never eally get to finish watching the original Dexter will probably do so now since I have a reason to watch it now
  10. Isndar


    i used to play it daily in primary school at 12 ELO probably less than 500 if I were to play online though
  11. I have the trilogy but I never played each of them feels bad man
  12. Isndar

    Does it?

    Does it Snow know where you live during december (xmas)? Nah, the only place Malaysia will ever get snow is on top of Mount Kinabalu in Sabah almost 5KM above sea level at the right time and at the right moment, rain will become snow on top of that peak
  13. massive gains for the acc
  14. grats on pet rex ~!@#
  15. Isndar

    nex pet

    Big drop, grats ~!@#
  16. pet drop is remain same as main game but since we are getting combat masteries, it is kinda count as boosted i guess?
  17. I know it's League drop but I heard the drop is not boosted so I guess it's an achievement Also, Just got my 5000th post on this thread
  18. OverWatch 2 on suicide watch by now...
  19. Will you be doing a new years resolution? Which one will it be? Already started with Walking 10K steps daily while controling my eating Trying to lose at least 10 KG by April (roughly 3kg/month) Have you ever conquered your resolution or give up on the way? I never gave up on them since they're like my RuneScape stats, its an on going thing, slowly but surely will tick off one by one rofl
  20. Isndar

    Some gains

    big gains, almost there to max mining !
  21. Isndar

    farmers market

    99 farming lets go
  22. Isndar

    Do You?

    It is really annoyin that I feel like I'm talking in normal tone but the people that is hearing me is saying that I'm talking too loudly This is what Headphones user suffers after hearing music or whatever audio we all hear throughout the years in high volume does to our hearing senses.
  23. Anti PK without an Ely at Venenatis vs Team
  24. Isndar

    just 1

    OSRS related South East Asian Servers/Worlds Oher than that, probably funding me traveling the world
  25. When Vetion doesn't deliver Cal'varion will Congrats on pet atleast you dont need to wait since 2015 to get yours
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