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Everything posted by Justin

  1. Rondo unlikely to return because he gonna tryn to get paid since he was a huge part of the Lakers championship run. I like Shroeder on the Lakers. Gives them another reliable scorer on the team outside of AD + LBJ. LA just need to fill out their roster with shooters and defenders. Gonna be interesting next few days with James Harden possibly going to the Nets. Wonder how KD + Kyrie + James will share the ball, lol.
  2. You own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. PkPete - He had his strengths and weaknesses. Obvious strengths were bringing people together and having fun. But, his vision for directing a clan to the right path has always steered the wrong way.. resulting in short stints and clan reopenings (3xtermination). There was no proper infrastructure with him and people would disrespect his authority. Haoshu - My memory is very faint. But, I remember this guy being notorious for creating a bunch of clans that would die after a month opening. Clan hopped a bunch of times and somehow would hold a official rank. Runites_12 - Always seemed to be tuckered and had a short temper ?
  4. Perma sus tbh. Welcome, fun game night yday.
  5. Every workout I am incorporating compound movements to my routine. Love doing deadlifts, squats, and bench presses. Been using FitBod app on iPhone with my apple watch, and it's working pretty well for me.
  6. Justin

    HBD Ashley

    Happy birthday, Ashley!
  7. Congrats. Nice to see DF back in F2P action.
  8. Marg Pizza, Hawaiin, Spinach Broc
  9. I can't remember the specific fights... but I remember the ones where our callers at the time (Kevin, Roel, True) would constantly get dropped (DDOS'd) and our organization would go into shambles and we lose complete momentum. Also, any fights against EOS were just not fun.
  10. Congrats! Looked fun. Is that in CWA?
  11. Hey Havik hows it going bud
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