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Everything posted by Andy

  1. Andy

    DC universe

    Seen 1 or 2 episodes of Flash. Looked alright.
  2. Andy

    Top Clans

    Some smaller clans do, KCR/TR etc. Might get the odd F2P clan war arena fight from the P2P clans but that's rare.
  3. Welcome back to the game we all love/hate
  4. Andy

    Top Clans

    Lets hear it. |Current or All time| F2P 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: P2P 1: 2: 3: 4: 5:
  5. Runescape Name Darklord1848 Preferred Name AndyDiscord IDandy#9565Current ClanChivalry LegionPrevious Clan History Sok-AA-Cl-Di-Df-Vr-Ct-Cl currently. Missing some smaller ones.Are you interested in joining? Just an introduction. Brief IntroductionAndrew. Australian, quit Rs about 50 times. Currently playing again. A lot of old names from DS/TT/RSD days.
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