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What will happen?


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Fast forward 5 years from now.


How  will the Clan world be?


Will there be a Clan World?


New breed of players and clans will take over?


@Wee Man will still be dropping IPS by then?


Edited by Nanne30



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Fast forward 5 years from now. Probs only pvm communities that do the odd wildy trip


How do will the Clan world be? Raggers only


Will there be a Clan World? 1st answer


New breed of players and clans will take over? No maybe for safe death only. I recon the closest thing will be streamer lead clans 


@Wee Man will still be dropping IPS by then? Never, the feller is innocent 


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  • Fast forward 5 years from now.


  • How  will the Clan world be?

Probably the same as it is now, as long as OSRS is still around

  • Will there be a Clan World?

in terms of pvp clanning. If theres a wilderness there will be pvp clans

  • New breed of players and clans will take over?

Probably if RoT ever quit it will bring in a new breed of clans, however as far as i see it now as long as rot are still around they will adapt and thrive by any means neccesary

  • @Wee Man will still be dropping IPS by then?

its better asking if routers will be better equipped to deal with wee man





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Fast forward 5 years from now.


How  will the Clan world be? Better


Will there be a Clan World? Ye


New breed of players and clans will take over? Ye


@Wee Man will still be dropping IPS by then? Nah


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How  will the Clan world be?

If Jagex doesn't put regular wilderness update, Clan scene will be in trouble


Will there be a Clan World?

There will be but barely by this point


New breed of players and clans will take over?

Parents that plays OSRS need to make their children play OSRS in order for this to happen


@Wee Man will still be dropping IPS by then?
Probably lol



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As long as people still have fun and there are people to kill, clans will exist and be alright 


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