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Micael Fatia

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Wow super old school. I also didn’t even touch RuneScape for over 10 years but returned in 2022… and here I am. Feel free to reach out if any ?’s about coming back to the game


Legendz | The Titans | Tempest

[Templar Jan & Feb 2023]










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Nice intro, welcome to the board!


VnG Pur3 / Pur3 str0ng2 / I work high
= Vanguard Retired Leader, Tempest OldSchool =
= Ex Kissing the Shadows Council / Darkness Awaits CouncilCrimson Raiders Moderator - The Rising Elite member

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9 hours ago, Micael Fatia said:

Hey Slaughter! Of course I remember you, how could I not? House name pretty much.
I think you may have mistaken me for (Lord)Yuanrang, who was in Excer and was the only Sal's CD member with clanning experience at the time the Sal's CD was still around. Which is an understandable mistake to made, he became my mentor so we were a bit alike in personality. Unfortunately I only became a helper after the Sal's CD community had already moved out, and only a few remained behind. Perhaps you remember me from that period, but I'd wager you're thinking of Yuanrang though.
Just the fact you remember me is already flattering, back then I was pretty newbie and looked up to all of you "pros".

Nah. Me and Yuanrang had beef. I didn't like him and he didn't like me, he was the one who ended up banning me.

I feel like you were the only one who was involved in any moderation (maybe before you actually had the forum powers) to actually understand the clanning part of the game.














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hey man welcome to the forums 


"When vanity blinds those who go unpunished for it, only pain and suffering will pull the wool from the eyes who are drowning in their delusion."- Yours Truly

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3 hours ago, Vanuckle said:

Nah. Me and Yuanrang had beef. I didn't like him and he didn't like me, he was the one who ended up banning me.

I feel like you were the only one who was involved in any moderation (maybe before you actually had the forum powers) to actually understand the clanning part of the game.

Ah makes sense yeah, there was a lot of friction between the staff and Sal's CD back then. I bitterly regret not having done more and better when I had the chance, it was never a goal of mine to become staff and I didn't even think it possible as I never felt anything special compared to a lot of clanners who used Sal's CD. Maybe if I had tried a little harder, so much drama would have been avoided.
Later I learned that the biggest reason (from the staff's part) for the manner they treated the clan section was a fundamental lack of understanding of the community. They had a somewhat strict set of staff guidelines to maintain the peace, which clashed heavily with the freedom clan communities needed. They couldn't understand some degree of bickering and drama had to be tolerated, as that is simply a large part of what the competitive clan world was about.
So for them the Sal's CD stood out like a sore thumb, and they couldn't wait to get rid of it, because none of them had the willingness to make the effort to adapt their moderation style to what the CD required.
It got worse when a newly promoted moderated decided to take it upon himself to be the answers to the CD's request for proper moderation, without knowing anything about the community at all. A recipe for disaster. Funnily enough Finisterra (the mod) ended up demoted for leaking.
Maybe it's just me tooting my own ("our" actually, as this should flatter all former Sal's clanners) horn, but I always felt the death of Sal's CD was the first step towards the end of the clan world as we knew it. Out of a sudden the recruiting grounds and home of so many small and midsized clans was gone, and with it the lower tiers of clanning took a huge hit, even if the big leagues never noticed it because they were too busy with their top 10 drama.




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As for Yuan I completely understand your PoV, I know him very well and we're friends to this day, so better than most I know how set in his ways he could/can be. He wasn't the easiest to deal with.




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5 hours ago, Micael Fatia said:

Maybe it's just me tooting my own ("our" actually, as this should flatter all former Sal's clanners) horn, but I always felt the death of Sal's CD was the first step towards the end of the clan world as we knew it. Out of a sudden the recruiting grounds and home of so many small and midsized clans was gone, and with it the lower tiers of clanning took a huge hit, even if the big leagues never noticed it because they were too busy with their top 10 drama.

I think your analysis is largely right - and I think there were only a few people who probably recognized the death of SalsCD for the problem that it was (myself, Shinobi, True).

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