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I'm doing one of these again?


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Runescape Name
Matrix 4312

Preferred Name 

Discord ID
Matrix 4312#6233

Current Clan

Previous Clan History
Fuck I don't know, something like this. I forget a lot of what clans used to exist so IDK

THE, TT, Rot, DF, AF

Are you interested in joining?
Maybe. I gave up clanning a long time ago and had no plans to come back but True made my forum acc for me and told me to post this l0l

Brief Introduction
Idk man. I'm a dude, Canadian, unemployed, and I like hockey. Pretty much your stereotypical Canadian

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15 minutes ago, Matrix 4312 said:

What does this even mean lol

You skipped a TT event to go to Corp and snitched on yourself when you posted your spectral sigil drop lol

  • Haha 2



The Titans Officer

Ronin PK Leader

Tempy Legend

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