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Current Clan
None but clanfriend in Vitality.

Previous Clan History
2005-2006 Dutch Generation (DG)

2006-2009 Reddevilclan (RDC)

2009-2011 The Runescape Warhunger Federation (TRWF)


2013 - 2018 Vitality (VIT 2018-Currently clanfriend)

2013 - 2016 Divine Forces (DF)


Who do you know in Tempest?
Lil David
Matt Robin
Most of the old DF members, also lots of familiar names from other clans.

Are you interested in joining?
Never say never

Brief Introduction
Well hello there, it's been a while.
I'm Harm, 30 years old from The Netherlands. been clanning sinds early 2005 until 2017/2018.
Quit clanning because everything was based on P2P, and i just like to do F2P fights.

A week ago Vitality organised a F2P run in against a Finnish clan and asked some retired people to join them.
Was fun to see all the old faces again and even inf` showed up.
He told me about Brian and David leading a clan together and i was like wut?
Found the forums and started reading the fight topics and the AMA's and i really enjoyed it.
Quites supprised to see so many familiar faces, 

Hope you guys are all doing well, in the Netherlands we are currently in our second Lockdown.

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