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Conservative Protestors Storm American Capital

Pickle Pat

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3 hours ago, Titan said:

fucking lol @ "altruistic BLM supporters"

Not what I said... I dont support blm... but at least their cause theoretically is a moralistic issue. These people are just being sore losers here. 


I've been a conservative my entire life, and will continue to be one. That doesn't mean I won't call out my party when they're acting like the same animals they bashed 6 months ago during the George Floyd riots. 

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5 hours ago, Crest227 said:

What people don’t realize is there has been an ongoing assault on our social norm’s, religions and society. The constant propaganda pumped out by the media has been disgusting. Remember the kids wearing maga hats, accused by cnn for being racists? Then when the videos started to come out exposing the spin that the liberal media had laid out was false, what happened then? Nothing, there was no reprecussions, the media just doubled their efforts.



We saw adults use racial slurs, verbal abuse and threats against children. It was justified because the kids were white and the people laying out the assault were black. Why was it when the media thought that the white kids did it, it was news worthy, but when it’s adults attacking children for their skin color, it’s totally fine? Because it doesn’t fit their narrative. Which is absolutely disgraceful.



You have people constantly on msnbc, cnn and nbc comparing the president to Hitler. Throwing around outright hideous comparsions to the holocaust. Saying that there’s an ongoing genocide against black people in America, pushing racial tensions, every single police shooting of a minority is systemtic racism. If a police officer dies, no one gives a fuck, if a criminal dies, thousands of vultures descend upon the scene to feast on the morsels.


We have occupations, month long riots, shut downs and draonic lockdowns. Do we remember Seattle? How the city was taken over  and occupied by domestic terrorists? 


But now People are shocked at the lack of security and policing? Yet you just voted in a President who is for defunding the police. His entire parties premise this election was to ruin our law and order system. Now they have the audacity to blame the police for today lol? The police need to go on strike, to show society exactly how vital they are to us. We need to appreciate what we have and preserve it, build upon the fundation, the constitution, not tear it all down like the Democrats want.



I hope that this is a wake up call, that both sides can break the rules and that we all need to see how wrong we’ve been for allowing the assault on the country to occur. The democrats didn’t accept Trump as the president, but I’m willing to accept Biden as the president. But after years of attack by the media against conservatives and society, this is the by product of it.

100% man. We are in an age where social propaganda put forward by the media sways a large portion of Americans. We all know that the media, for the most part, is very left leaning. 


I will accept Biden as my president, and hope we see a reversal of this ever-growing divide.

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6 hours ago, MILAD said:

like i said yesterday, it all went too smooth for my liking



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I hardly keep up with my country's happenings anymore because I don't trust the media. I'm hearing that Trump supporters did this but now people are saying it's the left in disguise? I really just don't know who to trust. The media's goal is to get good ratings by any means necessary. They love juicy drama. I learned the harsh truth that the media can't be trusted a few years ago when my mother-in-law died. My father-in-law, who was on duty as a cop, noticed she didn't respond to his text (he worried because she had been ill). He went home during his lunch break and found her dead. He was brokenhearted then tried to commit suicide with pills and alcohol. He was found passed out holding her in his arms. His cop car was spotted sitting idle for hours, so someone called it in. Media reported a "death with police involvement" which sparked drama with people bashing the police. The sheriff seriously had to hold a press conference about this private affair to explain that no one was killed by a cop during the incident. It was infuriating to see this all unfold while my husband was dealing with the death of his mother and his father being in the hospital. I was reading the story while sitting at his bedside at the hospital. Just.. ughhh.. If only the truth was actually reported by the media.. then maybe I'd actually trust it. It's scary living in a world where I just don't know what's really going on in my country. =\


Basically I don't get super political when hearing the news anymore. I can't truly know which side is responsible for what since the truth is always twisted in the name of drama. 

Edited by Krystal
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Your country is fucked up by propaganda from both sides. The media in general is insanely toxic and it's close to impossible to know the truth these days. There's a serious decline in quality reporting. News outlets do anything for money and money comes from views or clicks. There is a gross lack of integrity, morality and ethics in the media. I think that South Park used the tag 'Tegrity' in last years season as a reference to this problem. The ends literally justify the means no matter what and the end is always more money for the stakeholders. I think a big part of the issue is that there are no repercussions like @Crest227 said. The media doubles down on issues and makes stories so unbelievable and crazy that the bigger part of the populace just lets it go. There's a real problem with companies or even people that are 'to big to fail' and Trump was able to exploit and trick the system perfectly.


I think that there's also a strong but more invisible force that keeps people from standing up for their own believes and feelings that is causing these issues. Standing up for yourself and your morals may lead to you losing your job (and insurance in many cases in the US). Loss of your job is life threatening for the majority of the people so people rather shut up and keep on grinding / suffering then do something about it. This in turn makes companies think that what they do is fine. Companies / governments keep pushing the boundary of what is acceptable until there is no longer a boundary. I think that the US in general is far closer to that no boundary scenario then any first world country in the world. This is a problem because this gives insane anxiety and anger issues. What happened these last few weeks is the boiling over of that anxiety and anger and it's obviously dangerous since people lost their lives or got hurt badly.


The things people do and say is disgusting. I try to never label anyone without knowing what environment they came since most are just indoctrinated by agencies far far far more intelligent than them...but holy shit some people are insane.


I sincerely hope that under Biden the Americans can try to become somewhat more united. To at least have a discussion without immediately throwing extremes at each others throat or to instantly accuse the other side of being a hypocrite for something that happened 10 years ago. I like that it seems like both Reds and Blues seem to agree that this went to far. I just hope they try to find the common ground in this story and don't start shit-talking and blaming each other as soon as possible.


This is a topic that Europeans should honestly follow as well. Because many developments that happen in America usually occur within Europe a (few) decades later.

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10 hours ago, Pope said:

Yeah but this is people storming the Capitol building, where lawmakers were IN SESSION deciding the fate of the country. Not breaking a window at a Target. 

The amount of injuries/deaths and damage was not even comparable of the two. You still have cities recovering. They were able to reconvene and finish the certification the same day...

Not sure if you heard. I was leader of The BlacKnights.



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44 minutes ago, Vanzant said:

The amount of injuries/deaths and damage was not even comparable of the two. You still have cities recovering. They were able to reconvene and finish the certification the same day...

It isn't about the amount of USD in damage, it is more just the image that this portrays. This is supposed to be one of the most secure places in the world that was simply overtaken in a matter of hours. 

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Yeh it was crazy to see as an outsider. I don't think it'd be wise to pass on my judgement as I'm not from USA but i've never really seen anything like that in the UK and we love a protest. 

Edited by Buzz




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