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Runescape Name (Don't post if login name)
Bobicles2 /Boobicles2 

Preferred Name 

Current Clan
Echo of Silence 

Previous Clan History
Dragonwood, TMRD,  RuneRaiders, TRWF, RSD, Lethal Blades, The Rising, Hades, Final Resistance, Damage Inc, Echo of Silence


I will have missed a few over about 17 years of Runescape clanning, but these are the clans of note that people may/may not remember me from


Who do you know in Tempest?
I've interacted or been in the same clan with probably the majority of the member list over the years. However, Its been so long that there's no one I would say I know incredibly well, The End and I go well back from when I was leading Lethal Blades and I know pur3 str0ng2 from his KTS days.

Are you interested in joining?
For some reason EOS made me a Leader so not right now.

Brief Introduction

True suggested I come say hello and given I've been around a lot of people here over the years I thought I'd see if there is anyone either in Tempest or the community I've not spoken to in a long time. 


My names Rob, 31 now, 2 kids. Run and own an IT Support company irl. I've been playing Runescape now since 2004 (the year Santa hats entered RSC). I got into Clanning around the back end of classic, playing with War Menardi/The Hivemind in Dragonwood. Fast forward those years and I've experienced just about every angle the clan world has to offer. I recently game back to the game for EOS having been playing various other games as a group, Albion/WoW/ESO etc and to be honest I though I'd only really play for wars. I've actually found a fresh enjoyment for the game and the community and found myself learning to raid, skilling actually playing the game again which is weird after being an 'AFK log on to fight Sunday' kinda guy.  Hoping I might catch some old faces here.


The all important question is - Can Tempest catch EOS in the PvM Comp and will True bet me 100m they can? and why doesn't Tempest have a Warcry?


Edited by Bobicles2
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Hello Rob ? Remember your name for a long time ago. 


VnG Pur3 / Pur3 str0ng2 / I work high
= Vanguard Retired Leader, Tempest OldSchool =
= Ex Kissing the Shadows Council / Darkness Awaits CouncilCrimson Raiders Moderator - The Rising Elite member

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