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Your Favorite Clan(s) you were never a part of

Elder Jr

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I love the way a clan looks in a vid when all the capes are just falling in flawlessly and its just moving around like a trained unit, walk up to someone, 1 pile, the spam, the right click on 33 RSNs, then repeat. Early on sometime 2008 I saw this and really liked The Death Monkeighs, Golden Sun, TRWF for this. Yellow cape was a bonus cuz it owns. :hash: Then EH, PH(was clan friend for 6+months), SOL, RE, RDC, RDK for their 2-3 F2p fights a year.

For 1 reason or another, Never even thought about or considered RSD SE DI BK COR DF, or the NH goofy options much, when came time to join a big clan, so TT was became obvious.




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The stricken Cards - had a lot of friends in this clan prob would of joined if I had the same interest in p2p.

Aussie army - joined on a spare to pk with them absolute legends.

EOS - had loads of friends here if I wasn’t so dedicated to VR, I’m sure EOS would of been my home.

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Problem was I was in most of them. I would have to say Eternal Honor and Shadow Elves stood out to me as attractive clans that I never got to be a part of. The original The Rising looked like fun too but I never actually joined any GMT clans despite being European. I was in WG's junior clan for a bit but WG at their peak looked good too. 

Also a lot of my friends from school used to be in Brotherhood of the Gods, which they always spoke positively of and I missed out and that as I was a bit underlevelled compared to them. Most of them moved onto TDM or Hostile/Awaken->VR. But I went to Exercitum instead because I used to watch Mossel61's warring vids.

Edited by Lavigne






Grand Miracle Wizard of the Far-Right Sea Templar's Party | Bringing racism back into RS clanning since 2023.



RSN: South Tyrol

Leader of REIGN community since 2004 - Undisputably the best gaming community in history.

Rank 3 in the UK for Riichi Mahjong (UKMA ELO)

An absolute shitload of rank ones/top10 rankings in multiple games.



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