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Wee Man

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cool topic.


How did you guys get involved with clans?

I had a 4-5 real friends who played and I would go out pking with them. Eventually they stopped playing but I really enjoyed pking. I started looking up clans and found THE's junior clna 'THE' Futures who I was close to meeting the requirements for. They seemed like the strongest clan at the time that I could actually apply for. It was a cool experience and I really liked the community  aspect of everyone playing together as a team. Once I got a taste of actual clan pking I realized THE was not the clan for me as we got steamrolled by Corruption and had our 399 opt week prep ended in about 15 minutes of their 180 opts. This is when I realized I wanted to join an actual high level pking clan and Corruption was perfect for me. Once I applied and got accepted the top clanning experience was something I fell in love with.  

Why have you stuck around/what brought you back?

The friendships and memories. I spent sometimes all day / all night with my clan for years and developed so many good relationships. When I stepped away in 2011/2010 I didn't really look back until the start of 2021. Of the course I wondered how people were doing and missed checking in with people. Even people I wasn't necessarily close with (such as rivals) I wondered what they were up to. Especially with how accessible communication is nowadays it is much easier to stay in contact with people and I realized it is possible to still stay in contact with people which is why I started coming around again. I'm glad we still have community around and I love being able to share memories with everyone else who was experiencing them with me. The only thing I regret is losing contact with a lot of my really close friends that I had met through clanning. I think sometimes it's too late but hopefully we'll reconnect at some point. 

For those that are clanless, how come?

In short, I dont want or have the time to get involved into the clan world again. I am an all in or all out guy. I dont have an account and although I have been offered multiple max accounts it's hard for me to be able to not put my full effort into a clan. i think it is better for me not to play at all because I dont think it would be possible for me to be passive and only attend events or not be involved in multiple aspects of the clan. I am content with staying involved from the outside and contributing to community related things without feeling any type of commitment to do more. 

What was your favourite clanning era and why?

2007? Right before bounty hunter came out the clan world was so massive and there was so much competition at all levels. it still was special to have a high level account and to have a lot of money and those things made a significant difference in fights. a skilled player really stood out in clans. bounty hunter was still fun too but i think it was still the start of a continuing downward effect until eventually OSRS came out and everyone was forced to start accounts over from lv3. i had put so many hours into my rs3 account and i wasnt willing to just start over. for me when osrs came out i knew it was likely the forever end

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Corruption High Council -> Syndicate Leader -> Exodus Warlord -> Violent Resolution Warlord

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16 hours ago, Wee Man said:




How did you guys get involved with clans?

Used Zybez for price guides and whatnot back in 2005, and started posting around clan discussion after getting slaughtered by a group of PKers while out with friends.

Why have you stuck around/what brought you back?

Old friends and community. Honestly thanks to True for chatting and slowly dragging me back.

For those that are clanless, how come?

When I came back, TR was closed and I don't have as much time as I did before.

What was your favourite clanning era and why?

2007-2009, and the EP times were fun. Also, the start of OSRS was fun, as everyone was on an even playing field. We went through the nostalgia of starting anew, and the nooby fights were amazing.

Edited by Noble Inc
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Through action, a Man becomes a Hero

Through death, a Hero becomes a Legend

Through time, a Legend becomes a Myth

By learning from the Myth, a Man takes action

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How did you guys get involved with clans?

Was playing loads of castle wars back in the day, and stumbled into a castle wars clan and joined them. From there a few of the members of that were also in a PVP clan and asked me to join.

Why have you stuck around/what brought you back?

I stopped playing the game well before EOC, once EOC came i was done with clans completely. Came back in 2017, at the time i wasnt really into any games so thought id give it a shot again, only lasted for a short stint and realised the fights are god awful now so it didnt stick.

For those that are clanless, how come?

The F2P fights are honestly completley horrendous, and was never a fan of large P2P fights only pk trips in small numbers for a laugh, that combined with most P2P fights i see just get ragged with 1 itemmers i dont see the attraction.

What was your favourite clanning era and why?

Pre-BH, you could just go out on a F2P pk trip and end up in a scrap, everything was just much more active and the planned fights didnt usually disolve into uncapped outlasting.




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How did you guys get involved with clans?

Too young to join my friends clans but saw all their PK pictures with the squad and PK videos/war videos, wanted in on it.

Why have you stuck around/what brought you back?

Literally nothing like the RS clan community in any other game hands down

For those that are clanless, how come?

Was clanless cos wilderness aint what it used to be and got boring

What was your favourite clanning era and why?

2005-2007 > BH Multi > Early OSRS > PvP Worlds > Current.

Edited by Lavigne






Grand Miracle Wizard of the Far-Right Sea Templar's Party | Bringing racism back into RS clanning since 2023.



RSN: South Tyrol

Leader of REIGN community since 2004 - Undisputably the best gaming community in history.

Rank 3 in the UK for Riichi Mahjong (UKMA ELO)

An absolute shitload of rank ones/top10 rankings in multiple games.



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How did you guys get involved with clans?


At the tender age of 12 years old, a good friend of mine introduced me to my first PK trip with FEAR clan in early 2006. He had told me I would most likely lose my only Rune set, but everything would be alright and I would have a good time, lol. Instantly I was hooked. I did not have the combat required to join, luckily they had a junior clan, Phobia, that I quickly got on board with. I quickly progressed my account so that I could transition to FEAR and attend as many events that I could. Given my time zone (NZ), it has often been tricky. But I had found a new love for the game. Massing up, falling in, spamming, rushing edge and so on... 


Why have you stuck around/what brought you back?


Friends, Community, Comradery, Nostalgia just to name a few. Runescape is the one game that I've always come back to. Often when I return to the game after long breaks, I always look back on my times in and amongst different clans from the past. I value those experiences and haven't found another game that can offer similar. To be apart of a team that has an active forum and healthy voice chat; then being able to transfer that to your in-game experience is just magic. Flawless calling, thorough organization and group progression. 


For those that are clanless, how come?


I've been away for a few years now. But since the rona I've been a lot more active in-game. I've spent a lot of time slowly catching up my account. I decided not to join a clan because I was enjoying the game with real-life friends who knew nothing about it. However, this last month my pvp and wildy activity has started to pick up. Some old buddies found there way into my DM's. It was only a matter of time before I started brushing shoulders with some familiar names. 


What was your favourite clanning era and why?

Easily 2005-2006 - The culture back then really was something special. Every weekend there was something happening and the wilderness was popping. I came across an old list of the clans from back then not to long ago and took a hit right to the feels. Activity back then really was something else. 


Edited by Jaye
Added list of clans from 2005-2006
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How did you guys get involved with clans?


I was World 18 (?) solo pking east of Hill Giants and befriended a local PKer named Doogle11, Council of the Unknown Bounty Hunters. Later that day we showed off his Santa in-game while trying to pitch me to join his pking clan. Thinking the clan would be an easy way to make money, I signed up on the forums and started attending their daily PK trips.


Why have you stuck around/what brought you back?


First and foremost, the people. I've made some unbelievable friendships on this game that I hope will last as long as I do.


Secondly, I live and breathe the competitive nature of RS clanning. It's obviously not what it use to be, but there's just something I love about the process of developing culture, strategizing with officials and weighing those make-or-break decisions both in and out of the game.


For those that are clanless, how come?




What was your favourite clanning era and why?


2007 pre-wilderness removal. Wasn't the peak of my powers and there was still a level of innocence in it for me, but I loved the endless amount of PK trips and PKRI's we had. It felt like we were always doing something in the wilderness (including luring north of hill giants, sending @Vio as bait) and short scraps were around every corner. I was fairly nooby and I loved learning the clan scene.... watching all the fights I could stumble onto and bothering guys like @D2master12 on MSN to soak up whatever information I could get my hands on.

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15 hours ago, Vanzant said:

Pre osrs I was basically just bk 10 years, df 1.5 and then few months in small clans. Osrs I've been in downfall,  eos, ronin, poison,  the,  tempest,  impact,  renegades lol

Vince Carter career trajectory

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How did you guys get involved with clans?

PKing in P2P and getting cleared by bigger clans

Why have you stuck around/what brought you back?


For those that are clanless, how come?

Obviously not clanless now but I was for 4 years after DI before Tempest. For the first 2 years I had absolutely no interest in anything RS related. After coming back in 2018 I considered joining a clan but pretty much most of them had been involved in some kind of shady shit which automatically ruled them out and the few that didn't I had no interest in. Always thought of myself as someone who only plays the game for clanning and would quit otherwise but for whatever reason that's changed in recent years.

What was your favourite clanning era and why?

Gonna cheat and put 3

2007 - P2P spur trips constantly

2011 - Wilderness returned and every aspect of PVP (single, p2p, f2p) saw a massive boost in activity

2014-2015 - Calling in F2P was new and fun and it was the last year the fall in + sniper meta was a thing 

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How did you guys get involved with clans?

I actually found PH first through one of my friends in 2011. After I showed interest in joining, bought all the gear and was ready to create a forum account he kind of just disappeared off the face of the Earth so I decided I didn't want to join the clan not knowing anyone. Many months later a guy by the name of @Gochance1 found me on rs at clan wars and pitched Downfall to me. I got on ts for an event and was instantly hook.


Why have you stuck around/what brought you back?

I feel like everyone has the same answer here. It's the community, there's really nothing like it. Many of the people here that I would consider friends are people who I've actually known longer than most of my real life friends. Also, the drama and competitiveness are second to no other game. 


For those that are clanless, how come?



What was your favourite clanning era and why?

This will probably be a cold take for most people, but for me it's OSRS. In particularly, Downfall 2015-2017. I chose these dates because I was finally able to put my 100% into the clan and it was so rewarding to see what we were able to become with a core that joined when we were a RS3 clan wars team. Most of which stayed with us through the entirety of OSRS as well. 

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How did you guys get involved with clans?

I was account sharing with my brother because his account kept getting hacked (to be fair I lost my first one as well :495994341_:). There's a ton of account sharing in my RS2 career so it might get confusing.


I think he said he was looking around on the forums for a clan and found SpiritZ doing a 99 attack party at the Jolly Boar Inn somewhere in April 04 or 05 (I don't know what he was doing there). He asked me to come check it out and after Edwardteach2 pitched SpiritZ we decided to join. We account shared for a while and both went through sprees of not logging in whilst the other did. It was kinda awkward since we were both on the same account talking to the same people. This went on for 2 years and together we were able to climb the ranks in SpiritZ first to Forum Manager (mostly my brothers doing) and then as I got more involved with the clan and started using Ventrillo the climb continued to Council and later Leader. At some point our founder MasterJZ, 33 at the time, stopped playing and we went through some crazy drama. We had 2 female leaders, expected what else can I say right? This basically meant we didn't really do PvP anymore for about a year.


My brother was a true 141 enthusiast in 2007 (I think there was a period of time where Da Bazz was a general in Fly Bat Fly's cc). My brother was a mercenary. He fought with Tempted Killers, Downfall, any open cc,...Whoever PM'd him to help them he came to their aid. At the start of 2007 my brother joined TKO Blitz because he liked F2P fights beyond anything else and I slowly grew to like them as well. It got so bad that we had regular fights over who would be warring that day lmao.


When I got leader of SpiritZ in 2008/2009 I really wanted to push hard to become a F2P presence because at this point I knew about all the big clans through TKO Blitz (who mostly harbored old 'The' and Sabre members as well as some Corr and CR I think?). I knew how much fun they were having fighting each other in the wilderness. My drive to push SpiritZ back into PvP also lead me to become Warlord in Flip Flops (a team my brother initially joined probably through Pete Noob). However I was young (mentally literally a child) and blinded by passion so much so that I couldn't see what was happening under my nose...

I made some big changes in the clan. I made warring MANDATORY, I made inters mandatory, I made gear requirements mandatory, I trained individual members for HOURS, I made Warring Guides,... I did everything what TKO Blitz did who dominated CWA at the time. With SpiritZ we were able to have some great 35v35 CWA fights which we won all the time (I called so of course we won :hash:). But then tragedy...


My fellow GMT friends who did like fighting started to quit and I saw myself slowly lose control of the clan. My clan was dieing and I pushed them over the edge. I was 15-16, in school and 80% of my clan was now from the US. I couldn't keep in contact with the clan and my fellow SpiritZ leaders and officials who already didn't share my passion for warring weren't able to keep the ball rolling. Eventually it was impossible to pull over 20 and I got more and more distant until we decided to become a community clan in 2010. I joined Corruption (Flip Flops v1 was a Corruption team) but didn't make the cut (events were to late) so I joined True 0wnage. I stayed active with a bunch of F2P teams and eventually joined Solace after True 0wnage closed.


Why have you stuck around/what brought you back?

After Solace closed my brother started skilling in RS3. At some point I logged in to see what Legacy was all about and somehow Mohd PM'd me asking about opening Downfall as a F2P Legacy clan. I said yes, and I was Downfall Council from there on. While in Downfall I got back in to contact with some of my old friends in SpiritZ. We made a discord and now I do CoX and ToB with them basically every weekend. They are the reason I still played after Downfall closed.



What was your favourite clanning era and why?

I'm not really sure...I really loved the FoG era so 2008-2010 I just loved how active CWA was at the time 2-3 fights every day that's how I rolled. Also I really loved the community we had in Flip Flops V1. I still sometimes wonder what happened to Oliver (Sardte) and Emma, are they still married? Anders (Avern4 I think?), Mike (don't remember his RSN but he was a LAD) and Krissu.

Edited by Da Bazz

The good old days



Tempest 1.png

~ By B4uz ~



~ By Ace ~

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How did you guys get involved with clans?

Ended up joining a small clan that a few friends joined (Dark Demolition). From there Dozy/Littlewoody1 ended up leaving and joining DI and I followed them in early 2006.


Why have you stuck around/what brought you back?

Quit from late 2009 when they fucked with the wilderness/pvp one last time. Randomly found OSRS late one night (thanks targeted ads) and started playing. Joined the remake of DI for a while, but when that closed I didn't join another clan until I saw some old friends were in Tempest. Have a weird addiction to f2p fights, and games are always more fun when you're playing competitively against and with people.


What was your favourite clanning era and why?

2006/2007 before they deleted the wilderness. Having pretty much simultaneous rivalries with DS/DF in f2p, RoT in p2p multi, and TD/AG in p2p single was a good time.

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- Damage Inc May 2006 - October 2009 -
- Damage Inc Warlord General -



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