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Whats the worst physical pain you've experienced?


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Probably when I burnt my leg as a kid and the first batch of bandages had to be removed and changed. They tore that shit off with whatever skin remains it was attached to. The burn itself couldn't even compare to that pain, although it didn't last as long. 

Edited by Kestas
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I dunno what would be the worst lol. I've had some good ones though, injured my arm couple years ago at work and continue to work on it for a year. I ended up only being able to extend my arm about 20% motion I was sleeping with my hand on my chest for a year. When I started going to physio it took them about 2 months of prying it open to get it to fully extend again lol.


1 year ago I got my fingers stuck in the dollies at work. They turn based on air pressure and one guy connected the air hoses without me knowing. Sliced through my middle and pointer finger nail. My hand was totally stuck in there lucky I didnt lose my finger tips in all honesty.



Fell 14 feet out of a tree onto my arm when I was 12 and fractured my wrist.


Playing soccer at 13 this girl missed the ball and kicked me in the nuts pretty hard. I remember at first she hit me so good I didn't feel anything. Then after about 10 seconds it started to hit me, thought I was going to puke everywhere it was brutal lol.



Probably a bunch more good ones but those just off top of my head lol.

Edited by Vanzant
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Not sure if you heard. I was leader of The BlacKnights.



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42 minutes ago, Nick said:

Torn acl

dumb iowa


i was in a pretty nasty car accident 6 years ago fractured my pelvis, had a collapsed lung, fractured some ribs, and cracked my skull open. couldnt walk for a couple months :495994341_:

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2nd degree/borderline 3rd degree burns on the top of my foot


as a side note, the burn unit in a hospital seems like an incredibly difficult place to work

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don't be the third whale

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Was playing Ultimate Frisbee at College Nationals my Sophomore year of college and stretched my leg out to throw around someone guarding me. Tore my glute and hamstring completely and literally couldn't walk for a few days. Years later, completely recovered, and I still feel it sometimes if I sit for too long. It hurt so much more than I would have ever thought. And it continued to hurt to the same intensity for days afterwards.



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Back in like 2011-2012 I had kidney stones. Only I didn't know it was kidney stones till they passed. Woke up in the worst pay, curled up into a ball on the couch and rocked back and forth untill I passed out. Did that two nights in a row, got couch burn on my for head. Didn't know what it was, was prepared to go to the hospital if it happened again. Went pee, felt something solid come out and I felt waaaaaay better. 

I stopped drinking mountain dew that day 

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6 hours ago, Mitch said:

Back at the end of 2017, 2 days after my 28th birthday.

I had a severe complication with my health condition. I was woken up around 1am with what felt like someone stabbing my lower abdomen with a sharp, hot, searing knife, twisting it around and stabbing me over and over. Ended up having to get taken to the hospital and found out I had a microscopic hole in my lower intestines, causing anything to leak out to give me the worst internal pains I never thought possible.

I spent 5 days in the hospital, including through New Years, constantly doped up on morphine and steroids. I was supposed to get a surgery done but my specialist wanted to push pills on me instead.... I still deal with the issue, but on a much minor scale now that I have it under control as best as I can. I was told if I let it go any further I could have possibly died from the damage already caused on my body.

That sounds painful man, anything in that area is aids. A week or two ago a guy on my road, one of my neighbours, young man in his 20's- over lockdown kept complaining of severe stomach pains to the GP (over phone appointments) but was not looked into further or dealt with deeper. It ended up being an ulcer which burst and sadly he passed away from it


Ex-Envy Leader / Ex-Genesis Council / Ex-Divine Forces App Reviewer / Tempest Legend /






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Kidney stones. Legit the most painful thing ever. Can't imagine anything hurting worse. First time I woke up at 5am, managed to go back to sleep. Woke up again at 7 and could barely move. Called my girlfriend at the time (now my wife) and she drove me to the er. The pain caused me to puke in the car. This is when I knew she was wife material.


2nd time was worse. Got off work and it suddenly hit me. Ever since then I only drink water and juices. 

Edited by dnd5





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On 3/6/2021 at 7:19 PM, Wee Man said:

Worst pain I've experienced was 12 years ago when I stepped off of a kerb and to this day I don't know exactly what I did but I'm pretty sure I must have rolled my ankle somehow. Couldn't walk properly for 6 weeks, never bothered getting it looked at cos I'm hard (see: retarded) so I either broke the fucking thing or tore something important. Pain made me feel like I was going to throw up, truly awful.


2nd Worst I was completely arseholed on half a crate of stella, stepped off a kerb (again lmao) fell straight the fuck backwards and broke my fall with my hand which bent all the way back, couldn't move my wrist for a couple days.


Lastly my story of how I almost died when I was 10, was on holiday in Morocco visiting family. We'd gone to the beach and I went swimming in the sea, got pulled too far out and almost drowned, lifeguard (or some random guy, not sure) saw me starting to go under and saved my life. Obviously I pretended to be confused as to why he thought I was in trouble to save face.

Haha on shit I remember this. You really gone and got it checked out. You was hobbling for months XD




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I cant really say the worse pain I've had but I have broke a few bones in my time.


- Broke 2 ribs and fractured another.

- Broke 1 ankle in 2 places and other in 3 separate times thankfully.

- Smashed my knee inlining back in 2019

- Dislocated little finger doing a back flip 

- Tore both wrist ligaments BMXing 

- mainly fall damaged from inlining from 2018 - 2020 and bruised shins from failed grinds.





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