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Runescape Name (Don't post if login name)

Preferred Name 
"Joe" is fine with me

a lot of my RS friends call me Djoe or BigDaddy

Current Clan

Previous Clan History
Life of Pestilence (Ranked)

EOS (peon)

Seduction (Co-Leader/Leader)

Envy (peon)


Who do you know in Tempest?


Are you interested in joining?
Yes but I just starting playing again so I need CMB levels

Brief Introduction
My son got me started (yes Wade I'm old). I knew nothing about clans and this Sky002 fellow asked me to join and I was hooked.  Was maxxed on my newscape

account when I quit playing but recently started an OSRS account. So yeah if you want to know something else feel free to ask away.

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