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Decriminalization of drugs


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3 minutes ago, Scumpr said:

Man, Those drugs being illegal sure does cut down on the overdoses in my area.... /end sarcasm


While addiction is a problem, the pills etc are coming from somewhere local in most cases. Acting like they all have some super illegal source when doctors will very quickly prescribe them seems unfair. Hell, just recently one of my best friends did a follow up with a different doctor than normal about some breathing issues (her doctor was on vacation). She explained it has been happening worse since the weather has changed and the windows etc have been open more, and wondered if they should possibly adjust the dosage of her allergy medication with it becoming spring.  They asked if any changes had happened in life recently, and she answered she had accepted a new position in hew company a few weeks back, but thinks they are unrelated.... Here is your 30 day prescription for Xanex, we will follow up with you. Mind you again this was for difficulty breathing that has only onset since the weather has been changing.


Addicts are getting these drugs somewhere, and I hate to be the bearer of bad news.... But its not all "The cartel". Unless you are lumping pharma companies and bad doctors in that. 


In short, Legalize it all and let morons kill themselves if that's what they want to do in life. You can drink yourself into liver failure or smoke your way into lung cancer.... Why is this any different?

Yeah I don't know a ton about the medical field but a xanax prescription for breathing troubles doesn't quite sound right to me? You make a good point about doctors prescribing this and that because the legal side of the drug trade with prescriptions and everything is a whole different evil perhaps better suited for its own discussion, and likely equally harmful to the consumer if not more so. 


While I don't really agree with allowing people to kill themselves and think that drug addiction and drug problems should be treated seriously as an illness and the addicts should get the help they need (granted they also need to actually want/recognize they need help), I would agree it's not very different from drinking or smoking yourself to death or into serious health problems and that is obviously, quite legal. While we're mentioning horrible evil industries like pharma companies, the tobacco industry is certainly another one from what i've seen and learned. The same people you mention who would do so legally are already probably doing it illegally anyways and probably in a sketchier/less safe manner due to fear of legal repercussions. 








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There is one place here in Brazil where drugs are decriminalized, where drug addicts live. If you have an opportunity to ask a few of them (I hope not), but those who did found out that they'll tell you to stay the hell away of any drugs, unless you want to melt your brain into addiction so bad you'll end up like them, homeless, using heavier drugs whenever you can because the last you used doesn't give you the same effects. It's where people get raped, abused, drugged, robbed, starve etc. Ask any momma from the favelas what they think about drugs. They'll slap your ass out of there bc they saw what misery that life has done to their sons and their family. 


So it's def a no from me. No academia paper can convince me that what the reality is teaching is wrong, sorry

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Even when I did drugs I was always kinda against legalize them. Breaking the law is half the fun

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Not sure if you heard. I was leader of The BlacKnights.



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