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Runescape Name (Don't post if login name)


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Previous Clan History

 Runescape Dinasty back in 09 till i retired before RSD closed, I spent a few years here as it was my last clan.

I was in a few of my pals P2P cc's back then as well prior to RSD, pking, pvm, etc..


Who do you know in Tempest?

Well, anyone who was in RSD when i was in, I was very active on forums, in-game, etc.. to be noticed I'm sure.

Are you interested in joining?

Maybe, I've been on RS3 for awhile just started in OSRS might be awhile so if bunny guest is fine until i meet the requirements.

Brief Introduction


I am a old gamer, i use to play LoL, now back at it with Runescape, I still like to play on RS3 as well starting OSRS up. I have 2 dogs, I have a well established job that pays good, i have a wife as well. Sorry if this is short i just keep most of my personal life away from online gaming, etc..

Once a Legend, Always a Legend - Runescape Dinasty

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Just now, Tanner said:

Welcome remember your name from some epic RSD vs DF fights

Yeah, was fun especially getting piled a lot.

Once a Legend, Always a Legend - Runescape Dinasty

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