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Current Clan

I guess EoS but only play the odd game with a few of them

Previous Clan History

Black Dragons (2004-2005) - first real clan that I joined and where I met Oli Killsu, wasn't there for long but here's a screenshot of a war against Jags


The Runescape Warhungers Federation (Feb 2006-Oct 2008) - I was actually on the verge of introing to DI when my friend Armalit3 told me of the clan he was in and recommended that I join him. At first I was inactive as hell; had a shite computer and missed a lot of fights. Managed to buy a new PC and become more active, being promoted to Centurion (PK leader) by Wouter and after a few months eventually taking over as Praetor (Warlord) when 3xt retired. Although I didn't hold the rank officially, I was leading the clan due to Ijssie having poor health, writing up documents for her to post when she had time and driving the clan forward as best I could. I'd have to say my proudest achievement (sounds sad saying this) on this game had to be leading the clan to "#1" when we beat DF in the CJ tourney in the CWA era - short lived but it was quite a feat considering we were a GMT clan with a fair amount of skillers who didn't know what an anchovy pizza was. As all good things come to an end, some of the leadership weren't happy with my decisions and in the end I stepped down and ultimately left. I made some life-long friends here, some I've met and one I've even worked and lived with in Mexico and a bunch I still talk to every day.


The Titans (Oct 2008-Apr 2010) - I was seeking a new challenge and I was stuck between Eos and TT, and chose the latter due to having many friends there, mostly from TMRD and mutual respect from fights with TRWF. Like TRWF, I was promoted to PK Leader and then Warlord by El Commandante Bishinmo, achieving the very first Jagex Cup (is the plaque still in Edgeville?) and having a run at being the #1 clan for a short time. I still remember the day we lost that spot to VR, where they pulled maxed opts and had literally a 100-man snipe unit. I would step out to take a fall-in and just get one-shot, no bueno lol. Had a blast in TT and again, made some great friends (and I guess enemies) but I felt like I needed to be back where I felt right, and I ended up going back to TRWF.


The Runescape Warhungers Federation (Apr 2010-Dec 2011) - Back to smaller fights was quite a change from the large scale fights I grew used to but it felt like home. I took a back seat and enjoyed the ride this time around and remained a member, only taking the lead when the leaders were returning. The clan world began to stagnate by the end of 2011 and more and more people were quitting the game, meaning our pulls were beginning to reach record lows. Seeing the clan that you love and put so much of yourself into slowly decaying was heartbreaking, and rather than see it go out with a whimper, I pulled together the remaining leaders and legends of the clan and suggested we call it a day and end on a high. So, naturally, as we had always done, we kicked shit out of TR one last time. (😉)


The Titans (Dec 2011-Feb? 2012) - A few active members from TRWF decided they were going to give TT a try so I went with them. Many didn't last and ultimately I was one of them; it just didn't feel right and I ended up leaving.


Echo of Silence (2012-present) - I joined EoS (finally) mostly to be a part of the community as I've always been close with some of the members. I participated in  a few fights with them but it's mostly been playing other games with Mar, Oli, Bigjimmyv etc.


I was also part of Jvk, a F2P pking team from 2004-2011 consisting of Wolmar 2004, Green Viking, 2ling, Sebaartian, Nicklessz, Aragorn Two, Chimaera Fin and Bumerlt to name but a few. (the sig below)


Who do you know in Tempest?

I honestly haven't had a look but I saw Daniela introed and Victoria mentioned I should sign up a few months ago, so shout out to them! I recognise a lot of names too, naturally.

Are you interested in joining?


Probably not, at least not any time soon.

Brief Introduction

My name's Scott, British and in my early 30s. I was recently living and working in Mexico but I'm back in the UK now.  About to delve into TBC again for the second time on WoW with Wee Rab 11 so pretty stoked about that. I recently maxed an iron on OSRS but don't really play at all anymore.


Nice to meet you all. I have a shit load of pics from back in the day that I might upload one day. I'm also going to track down Wouter and 3xt so we can do one of those AMA's for TRWF if anyone's interested in that!








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Damn holy shit. What a blast from the past. You were one of the contemporaries I really liked and respected, always thought you were super mature on RSC, loved the work you did in TRWF (one of the reasons I joined after EH closed and I left TT's fa process). Feel like you were massively underrated as a member of the clan world, great tank and good caller by all accounts as well.


Welcome to the community, think you'll fit in really well. Shoot me a msg on discord.














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18 minutes ago, true said:

Hey dude! Welcome 😄

Yo beast

14 minutes ago, Victoria said:

Hey you! I wish you were on Discord more often. Glad to see you here!

I am!


14 minutes ago, Req said:

Welcome Scott!



12 minutes ago, Justyn said:

Welcome to tempest forums!



9 minutes ago, Vanuckle said:

Damn holy shit. What a blast from the past. You were one of the contemporaries I really liked and respected, always thought you were super mature on RSC, loved the work you did in TRWF (one of the reasons I joined after EH closed and I left TT's fa process). Feel like you were massively underrated as a member of the clan world, great tank and good caller by all accounts as well.


Welcome to the community, think you'll fit in really well. Shoot me a msg on discord.

The feeling's mutual mate, glad to see one of the old guard kicking about still

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Echo that which Slaughter mentioned above.

Is there a story behind your signature?  Interesting to see Nodari, yourself, and Green Viking all in one place.


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12 minutes ago, Kurazita said:

hello Scott! really nice intro, welcome

Mucho gusto


3 minutes ago, 3lite said:

Echo that which Slaughter mentioned above.

Is there a story behind your signature?  Interesting to see Nodari, yourself, and Green Viking all in one place.

Feeling's mutual also.

It's not the Nodari from VR if that's who you're referring to - yeah seemed a bit strange especially for the times considering we had people from many different clans; TRWF, TMRD, ST (EH), LF et al. We just had a love for pking in high wild across from RR to Greaters. Green, 2ling, Nicklessz, Bumer were just some pure F2Pers who we just banded together with and formed a solid network together.



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Even though I was in EoS with you I always think of you as trwf lol, welcome!

Edited by Vanzant

Not sure if you heard. I was leader of The BlacKnights.



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