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What are your thoughts on expensive cellphones?


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i like it based more on the other apps as opposed to just texting, but also ill probably get one of the more recent ones and replace it usually when my contact is up




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3 hours ago, Howl said:

You get what you pay for. Given how much we generally use our phones, I'd rather just spend the money for a good one. I've had my iPhone 8 for ~4 years now and it still works fine.













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my ideology on this is never knowing what new shit is out there so the one i choose/can afford to buy will always be the best


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I think mid-range phones are where it's at. Had the LG G2 for 3 years until I knee-capped it off my hand onto a ceramic floor, and been using my OnePlus 3 since it came out in 2016. Both were in the 400 € range, quality all-arounder phones with no corners cut and even special niceties (mechanically stabilizing camera for G2, dash charging for OP3).

I wouldn't pay over 500 € for a phone unless it had some extremely nice and useful features that justified the price. I probably also wouldn't buy one under like 250 €, because of too many corners likely being cut.


I think people who keep buying the flagship Samsung/Apple phone more often than they'd really need are doing it mostly for the joy of buying (hunter–gatherer instinct) and as a flex (status symbol); practicality is notably absent from the reasons.

Edited by S3lvah
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Fools / CU / DI / FF / Elu Warlord – TT Captain – TKO / TB / Desc / Tempy Member

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Literally no point in upgrading every single year when a new model is released. Just buy one and stick with it until it runs its course and then upgrade later on down the road. A good phone can last you years if you're not banging it against everything and using it even liberally.


That said, it's important to be informed and pick a device that has features you are going to need/use on a daily basis and not just buy something for frills. Once you start investing into an ecosystem, it becomes even more expensive to opt out of it and choose a new platform down the line, so be sure you're happy with the selection you make.




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I see my phone as an extension of my PC with that in mind I'll always upgrade to whatever I can afford and like at the end of my contract period (usually 2 years). Currently obsessed with my Oneplus 9 pro.

Edited by Wee Man





Wee Man#0028 | @ZybezWeeMan | Wee Man

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I had a Galaxy 3 from release (mid 2012) until about mid 2019. I would still have that phone had I not lost it drunkenly 4 wheeling. Since then I've had a $30 phone from Wally World. It makes calls and sends texts. What more do you really need. IMO a phone will last forever unless you break it or have to constantly be on social media. 

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tbh i used to have iphone but in october i bought a pixel for $350 its better and i love it. lots of memory ez to use. iphones expensive and its always the same. 

Edited by Nanne30



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