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Runescape Name (Don't post if login name)
- Selenass (Main) - Revsismyhome (Pure)

Preferred Name 
- Mike

Current Clan
- Zenith (Pure clan) 

Previous Clan History
- I've only ever been in two clans Crimson Raiders and Zenith. I recently tried a latin team Sicarios but that did not work out they are so bad IMO 🙂 Oh I was also in Barbie Boys but they closed 


Who do you know in Tempest?
- I know quite a few ex Cr Members that are in Tempest. True, Dr3ambasher, uhh I don't know who else off the top of my head but yeah i'd like to join and catch up ❤️❤️❤️ #CRFTW

Are you interested in joining?
- YEA!

Brief Introduction

Yo my name is Mike I'm from Laredo Texas speak both English in Spanish. I have been playing Runescape on and off since 2000 I was a general in Crimson Raiders a rank I was proud to hold I miss those days soo much. Uhh, IRL I am a drug and alcohol counselor work full time and I am about to start graduate school within the next month. Got a lot on my plate but I am passionate about what I do. Hobbies include: Fishing, gardening, billiards, running, playing runescape (NO OTHER GAME I cba😞) uhh, I am  New York Giants fan, uhh what else I am addicted to buying shit on amazon. 


Edited by Michael9560



- Former Crimson Raiders General - Barbie Boy 4 life ❤️ - Proud Tempy Member  

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Barbie Boys sounds almost as good as Flying Hippos so immediately you're cool in my eyes.

Welcome to the forums!

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Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward.

Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law is both.

For a wounded man shall say to his assailant:

"If I live, I will kill you, If I Die, you are forgiven."


Such is the Rule of Honour.


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1 minute ago, Valaraz said:

Barbie Boys sounds almost as good as Flying Hippos so immediately you're cool in my eyes.

Welcome to the forums!

Bro the team consisted of one girl who was the leader and no other girls were allowed and she recruited people to simp on her. It was so hilarious xD

Flying Hippos huh? xD 


& thanks pleasure to be here 😄 



- Former Crimson Raiders General - Barbie Boy 4 life ❤️ - Proud Tempy Member  

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3 minutes ago, Michael9560 said:

Bro the team consisted of one girl who was the leader and no other girls were allowed and she recruited people to simp on her. It was so hilarious xD

Flying Hippos huh? xD 


& thanks pleasure to be here 😄 

Okay, slightly different then. 😀

Flying Hippos was a team focused on P2P pking way back in RS2. I think it was run by Bwuk Im Pb and maybe Eomeri.





Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward.

Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law is both.

For a wounded man shall say to his assailant:

"If I live, I will kill you, If I Die, you are forgiven."


Such is the Rule of Honour.


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Just now, Adam_ said:

welcome to the forums sorry to hear you're in zenith 

LOL You in any pure clans?

In my defense I joined at edgeville to have temporarily fun and I ended up making some good friends so I'm stuck xD But we are the #1 pure clan... better recognize 😏🙃



- Former Crimson Raiders General - Barbie Boy 4 life ❤️ - Proud Tempy Member  

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