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20 hours ago, Adam_ said:

What do you think about clients in warring ? What is an acceptable line between reasonable and dumb as fuck in your opinion ?


Opinion on shared members?


Opinion on country clans ?


Opinion on pure and zerk/runepure/med/rangetank or whatever the fuck they're called now clans? Do you think either of these scenes have a bright future? The latter seems quite dead


Opinion on single teams?

I think they’re incredibly OP and the line was crossed the moment 3rd party clients became commonplace. There are certainly some helpful plugins that maybe aren’t so broken, but they still provide a ridiculous advantage over the vanilla client/browser version of the game.


There are a ton of great people I likely would’ve never met without shared members from country clans or teams. There are well documented problems that come with that though. I think in a vacuum it’s best if there aren’t shared members.


Country clans are cool, they provide a unique experience that international clans simply can’t offer.


I think the different tactics, builds, etc. make for fun fights in the pure and tank/rp scenes but they’re cancer as fuck. Don’t have any hope for those scenes, particularly traditional pures.


Singles teams in 2021 are pretty cringe.

Edited by Dickus
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The Titans Officer

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On 9/8/2021 at 12:17 PM, Adam_ said:

What was some of the more NH stuff that happened in Ronin, if anything, that you participated in or were aware of happening?


Same as above but with TT?

I don’t really remember. Probably something done to get revenge on Azteka or Charlydog or something lol


When 76king just inside the BH crater was a thing, myself and a few others would kill the people that brought stupid gear like Bandos just to kill someone in no gear at all. Basically we would just start barraging them and then send a certain message on IRC that for some reason would cause Swiftkit to crash. Didn’t last too long (less than a day) because a FA ratted on us to leadership. Think we all got a “75% strike” or something along those lines. Basically were put on final written warnings before getting the boot.

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On 9/8/2021 at 12:18 PM, Adam_ said:

What pvp/wilderness changes, content, events or other forms of support would you like to see happen in osrs ?


Same as above but non pvp stuff ?

I’d like to see the Jagex Cup return. I think it would be great if they put the kind of effort behind the J Cup that they’ve put behind Deadman. Other than that I’m just looking for anything that substantially improves PvP over the long term.


I really don’t care about any future non-PvP content. There’s enough out there for me. Bear in mind I’ve never fully maxed an account. Plenty of existing content for filthy casuals like myself.

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The Titans Officer

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On 9/8/2021 at 12:27 PM, Adam_ said:

How does True compare to other leaders you've been under ? How does Tempests team compare to others you've been part of ?


Having seemingly disliked DF quite a bit even saying you were disappointed a friend of yours joined and that you'd never join, as well as having been involved in a heated rivalry with downfall as part of Ronin, did you have any reluctancy joining a clan led by a former DF leader with multiple ex downfall officials and a large community presence of both clans ?


5 or 6 years ago if you told yourself that you'd be in such a clan how do you think you'd have reacted ?


Who are some people you wish were still around or could be contacted? Is there anyone who is still around either not clanning or in other clans you wish you could bring here ?


Is there anyone you're surprised is still around after all this time?


When you were in DI do you think theres another clan you could've done well in or even wish you could have experienced? What about during your time in TT or Ronin ?


Coming back after x years and seeing what happened and where people may have ended up is there anyone that you're just like wtf? How? Why ?

Tempest's team is pretty incredible with the combination of talent and high tech. No drama, no bullshit. Really easy to work with and get results.


I wouldn't say I was reluctant. The past beef was with Divine Forces and Downfall, not with True and Tim/Ned/etc.


I don't think I'd be too happy with myself, but I also would have assumed that I didn't take a break from 2017-2020 and that I wouldn't be living through a pandemic.


Man there's way too many people. It's been a long time since I've talked to Eden Foodz. He was a big homie.


Brian lol I 100% believed he was done with the game in 2009, or at the very least after his time in RSD ended.


DI: I think being in TT, SE or EH during this stretch would've been really fun, but I don't think I was ready to be in a clan that was focused on F2P.

TT: Rejuvenation for sure. Honorable mentions to Corruption and Solace.

Ronin: Bazza's DI


True not being leader of DF and instead leading a brand new midsize F2P clan with Brian as a member. That was a big wtf moment.

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The Titans Officer

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On 9/8/2021 at 12:30 PM, Adam_ said:

Are there any kicks/removals you witnessed in your time in various official teams you felt were either super deserved or quite undeserved ?

Free Bill Clinton

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On 9/8/2021 at 12:31 PM, Adam_ said:

Tell us something that isn't super public or well known but that may be interesting from your time in Ronin leadership. TT leadership too 

lol everything about Ronin's was super public buddy


TT's leadership one is definitely the anecdote earlier in the thread about Bishinmo's alternative to leaving for Collision

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On 9/8/2021 at 12:35 PM, Adam_ said:

What do you think would be needed for something like osclans or another zybez like site to gain any real traffic or longevity ?

PvP that appeals to a broader audience.

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The Titans Officer

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On 9/8/2021 at 12:37 PM, Adam_ said:

Who in Tempest do you feel doesn't get enough credit for the positive things they do, positive presence they have or overall just being a good official or member?


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The Titans Officer

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On 9/8/2021 at 12:40 PM, Adam_ said:

If Tempest closed what clan do you think you'd find yourself in if any? Coming back during the pandemic did you have any other clans you considered?


None, and no.

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