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9 hours ago, Romeo said:

Ever been involved in any crypto heists

No but some guy on DI forums advised everyone to buy BTC when it was newish. Everyone was like WTF is this shit and laughed it off. He became a millionaire.

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8 hours ago, Harmr said:

I think DI had quite some Dutch people in there aswell over the years. Like Tim de spin, tha hanzz, inf` etc. do you have good memories at the dutch members, and if so which one was your favorite?


I remember we fought DI quite some times with RDC aswell. what are your thoughts/memories about RDC?

Yea DI had a lot of Dutch members over the years. We had a big join from a gang of them once, it was like both Watte Heck, Watte Hell (I think that was his RSN), QDF, Tim. There was another Dutch guy too, DarkTim I think. In original DI I felt they always fit in very well, since DI/clan world was more GMT based then. OSRS the clan world was more EST based and I guess there was other options like Vit etc.


In original DI Tha Hanzz was my boy, but things changed when circumstances in his RL changed and we drifted apart. Things ended badly for a reason I can't remember now, was unfortunate.

Inf and me got a long real well in OSRS DI and still do to this day, we enjoy the same kind of banter. I actually know him since back in 2004 or so but he was too busy being a stinky pure pking at earths to join main clans back then.


Always liked RDC because any member who came from there to DI was a good member.



Is there anyone you'd be interested to see an AMA from?


Have there been any decisions or ideas you've disagreed with within Tempest? How did they turn out?


Is there anyone in the clan who you'd like to see in a rider+ role in the future?


Is there anything in your original AMA that you lied about/omitted/ignored etc  that you'd be willing to talk about now?


What do you think of the Tempest community and why?


What would you want somebody to know before joining Tempest?


Who/What has made you laugh the most in Tempest?


Who needs a thorough clock cleaning?


What's your opinion on Jagex in relation to PvP?







Wee Man#0028 | @ZybezWeeMan | Wee Man

8 hours ago, Homedawg said:

In online games, Pvp communities tend to cannibalize themselves. Today what is left is a small fraction of what was the zybez community. Do you think this was inevitable?

I think so because of the way the internet in general went, wasn't just exclusive to RS. People wanted to be edgy and troll etc. MMK tried to reach out to clans at the start of OSRS but very few were actually serious about working with him. That said I understand why people didn't care about the long term sustainability of the game given the age profile of everyone. Everyone just wanted a quick hit of nostalgia.



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