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Wilderness Expansion?


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Been a bit since this was originally posted but in replacement of their "ideation time" every month, Jagex have opted to do a periodic "Game Jam" where they have more time to come up with potential ideas for the game and work together. The first one was this past week and during this time, a mod who recently came over from RS3 came up with an idea for a wilderness expansion while working with some other jmods. 


Generally it seems like many people are reacting positively to this but two main things i've seen said against it are that people would prefer the wilderness not be expanded due to it already being largely dead/less likely to find someone and there being so many worlds, which is a reasonable concern for sure, as well as the fact that people would prefer they fix what we already have before adding more. I think both are legitimate arguments but still find myself personally in favor of seeing the expansion, though I do think, like any update, it needs some fine tuning and potential changes.


Personally at a quick glance because ngl I have not ready every detail of every aspect of the proposal some things i'm not a huge fan of:

"Safe pouch" - Says it's not dropped on death, wording implies contents aren't either, so you basically have permanently safe items in the wilderness. Granted you can't withdraw them in the wilderness to use them, but if someone gets a major loot and tosses it in the bag so they're no longer risking it, not personally a huge fan of that.


Multi revs (improved multi revs at that) are neat to see but I would be concerned about it returning the issues previously seen with multi revs, as well as this becoming basically the only multi hotspot which was the case with old revs. The entry fee always lost on death is a good addition though to discourage ragging a bit more, even if 150k isn't much it's a lot more than zero and adds up.


Drop from skull boss - makes sceptre autocast lunar? Idk if this is a typo but what spells on lunar can even be let alone are worth autocasting on the lunar spellbook lol


"Blessed status" - idea of rewarding ppl for being / surviving in wild is neat but not sure about the specifics proposed


Bounty hunter island - BH is basically all edge style pking and low level accounts and stuff with the intent of getting people into PvP, not sure how well it'd do in deep wilderness since it seems almost counter the intent of BH.


Overall despite this I think a lot of what's proposed is pretty cool and seeing the proposal of a new boss with new uniques intended to be higher gp/hr than vorkath in an actually risky scenario is neat, as are most of the boss/resource ideas, the idea of a quest and other content to introduce people to pking, a minigame of sorts in the wilderness, and most importantly the fact that after so many years it seems there is a legitimate interest in creating or fixing Wilderness content beyond momentary focus or one and done updates. I do hope that on top of fixing currently wilderness bosses they do take a look at some of the rest of the current wild though. 


What are your thoughts on the expansion? Is this is a good or bad thing? Do you like what's proposed or do you have mixed feelings? 
















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The safe bag is a big nope for me. I’m not a fan of expanding the wilderness but it’s better than nothing if it’s done well I guess (kind of doubt it would be). 

Definitely agree with the fix what we currently have sentiment. The current bosses are way too difficult to kill unless you safespot them 

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I'd love to see the wilderness expansion go into effect but the fact that they are doing "combat levels don't matter", is kind of intimidating to people who aren't willing for PvP. Overall, I'd love to see it just for the expansion part of it. Hopefully, updates to the wildy bring more activity.

stoopid#1139 for questions, comments, or concerns.

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Looks kinda gimmicky lol


Fix the wilderness bosses so they aren't tanks and/or big pinatas that everyone safe spots. 

Safe pouch is a toxic idea. I'd understand why they'd want to introduce it but mate c'mon it's the wilderness.


I think the Blessed status could be interesting

The good old days



Tempest 1.png

~ By B4uz ~



~ By Ace ~

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It won't happen because of the amount of dev time it would take. Reddit would cry so hard about it and the backlash would be huge.


Some of the ideas are good and would bring activity to the wilderness. That said there's too many servers. They should restrict the wilderness to a set amount of servers to make it more active.



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I've been slinging a couple of tweets about my thoughts on it but to sum up:


1. I dont like the idea of the wildy being "expanded" while the current space is pretty dead (in comparison to the past). They need to either fill the space with players by increasing rewards and/or just limit the wildy to certain worlds.

2. I dont like the idea of gated safezones (like current ferox). If you have a safe area you should be able to just enter and leave the same as any other area in the wild, this could turn the place into a pking hotspot similar to edgy/varrock pre ditch or bh stairs back in the day. Gates are just safety nets for pussy players which we don't need more of.

3. If you're going to be handing out buffs to players to reward time spent in the wild it should be gp or xp per hour buffs similar to the old EP system and brawler gloves from bounty hunter worlds.


If it was me I would just create content that forces king of the hill style gameplay. The longer you hold an area the more rewarding it becomes (capped at some point obviously) and that way clans and teams would end up naturally finding each other and fighting over it. You could even balance it for different sized groups in lower levels of the wild. We just need a food chain of players back for the wildy to ever function as it used to and until the wilderness becomes rewarding enough it won't happen.





Wee Man#0028 | @ZybezWeeMan | Wee Man

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I appreciate thought being put into improving Wilderness activity, but it feels like they're kind of missing the boat on this one. The wilderness is too large/there are too many worlds right now as it is - and there is a ton of dead content (read: almost every wilderness boss). I wish they would remove/rework content before just adding more stuff on top.


Safe pouch is also a huge nope for me. Remove even more risk for people who aren't actually PKing.

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don't be the third whale

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