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Roofis last won the day on September 8 2023

Roofis had the most liked content!


159 watches His Lordship videos

About Roofis

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  1. Hej. I have interviewed past and current members, along with plenty of bunnies to develop an unbiased 100% accurate list of tempest members who cry the most. In addition to my interviews and research, I was provided millions of forum posts and discord logs from leadership to analyze. Honorable mentions: mitch (lmao!) ace (meant well but cry is cry) hex (bald one) indian marine (new but climbing the rankings at a crazy rate) The 4 listed above have enough tears to claim a top list in another community, but in order to be contenders here, you have got to go above and beyond. If you have made it this far, here is the top 5: 5)graciok - Biggest example of can dish it but not take it. Big cry baby let the libtards get to him. 4)wee man - Dealing with loads of kids crying throughout his zybez days must has rubbed off on him. Also smells funny. 3)saku - This finnish whale produces an insane amount of tears from pking alone. One can only imagine the tears developed outside of the widlerness. 2)matrix - cried, threatened to leave, cried, quit, cried, wants to rejoin still cries 1)jim jim - only obvious answer. Several mojis and stickers dedicated to his cry. Must get high off crying tyff
  2. Roofis

    80 Smithing

    boomer smithing method
  3. I shall become zezima of brighter shores
  4. Roofis

    Tempest 2023

    solid, 2023 was a great year for the seamen
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