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I Kill Batty

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Everything posted by I Kill Batty

  1. I was very scared to click this considering what other gyazos have been linked
  2. Callisto got more kills than Rot did holy fuck lmfao what an embarrassment for them
  3. Fuck yeah, was great action solid 1 hour against Vengeance untouched, good fight to all the clans, great work today Tempy awesome victory.
  4. Should just throw Genghis Khan in there too, mans a savage
  5. So hypothetically and for whatever reason, you currently have the ability to bring any, up to 3 people, back to life. The only catch is you must not have a personal relationship to the person you choose to return to the land of the living, who do you pick to come back? (Pete n00b appeal) You can choose to bring back bold heroes of the past, politicians, singers, sports legends, entertainers, religious figures, or just anyone you feel could make the world better if they were alive again etc etc. So who do I pick? personally I think we could make great use of bringing back a lot of people who have passed already, making it hard to choose just 3 to carry on, but ultimately I wanted people who could be of extreme benefit to the world in general, so my 3 go as follows: Albert Einstein - Bringing back an amazing physicist like him who was able to push our understandings of how the world around us functions and make such great strides in his field, I feel like bringing him back to life in an era well over 60+ years after his death and the time period in which he was active as a physicist would be huge. With all the new discoveries and inventions that bloomed in the late 20th century and early 21st century, I feel he could utilize these new tools best to help us solve many of the remaining mysteries of the world and get us further as civilization. Thomas Jefferson or John @Quincy Adams - I would choose either of these two people, I think bringing back one of the founding fathers of America would be crucial towards restructuring America as well as bettering our understanding of many things in general with our society and how to fix them. If I had to bring one back it would be Jefferson without a doubt, he was amazing and was able to foresee all possible paths the country and world could take and although he advised against a lot of actions, the world carried on ignoring his warnings. I think being able to bring back one of the founders would definitely aid in straightening things out due to their great wisdom and foresight. However, if I had to bring them back into today's climate I feel Jefferson would be attacked for his ownership of slaves, although he advocated against it and hoped for it to end, as he wrote in his journals/diaries, a lot of people still would not look past it, so I feel John Adams would be the next best bet and one who could survive the modern climate as he was not a slave owner, thus may have more influence in what he says in today's climate. Isaac Newton - I knew for sure I wanted the first two to return, but the #3 slot was difficult to fill, not because no one came to mind, but because plenty of people came to mind for an extreme variety of different reasons, so why did I go with Newton when I already included the physicist Einstein? well for the sake of either an alliance or competition, having just one would be pinning too much on a single person and having two of the top physicist of all of history either team up or work against each other in a healthy rivalry would probably yield the best results. With Newton having an extremely impressive track record, he was a definite contender for #1 originally, but his strange personality and mental issues lead me to go with Einstein instead, but I still believe he could make great strides for society. I thought Einstain could do a lot with 60+ years of new inventions at his disposal, it'll be incredible to see what Newton could do with nearly 300 years of new advancements at his disposal. He did so much in the science and math scene, I'd be surprised if he couldn't unlock more for us. Also I heard my mans died a virgin, so we gotta find him a hole to get into. Who would you bring back? your answers do not need to be as deep as mine, where mine may actually stand at potentially controversial crossroads, you could go a totally different route. I'm sure if you chose Kobe, Tupac, and Michael Jackson you'd be making tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people happy, or you could even meme it and bring back Harambe. tl;dr revive 3 people you do not personally know!
  6. These OSRS clients looking weird
  7. Still bottom of the trash can
  8. Amen, god is great. Amazing work Tempy, a shame I had to miss first 2 rounds because of my clown coworker.
  9. *RDG PKing* 1: "Yo come members gates I got a guy but he's running" 2: "You think we'll get him in time" 1: "Yeah it'll take a while for him to open the gate" 3: "COME TO GATE I GOT PEOPLE!" 4: "Which gate?" 3: "THERE'S ONLY ONE FUCKING GATE!" 5: "We just said we're at members gate" 3: "RDG Gates! Who the fuck hops at members gate? Nobody in rs history has ever hopped at members gate" *Tika from gap* "I got someone! he's in a range cape! Get here!"
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