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I Kill Batty

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Everything posted by I Kill Batty

  1. Can't wait for the next "Who cashed out???" spam
  2. Those are last seasons boots actually
  3. Why you no say a f2p astupid
  4. Featuring @RagingPanda's OST
  5. Fucking slaughter, as a blaster got significantly higher Kills than deaths, rot is trash lmfaoooooo
  6. Excellent battle, thanks for the great clean action WL!
  7. Ya'll actually nervous about taking shits or what? I'll clean the seat with some soap and paper towels, wash my hands and then take my doodoo
  8. Exactly why I didn't think it was an achievement post, lmfao grats you crazy fuck
  9. Yeah a lot, especially in "UNI Innit", that's how I kept my 4.0 GPA. During physics in "UNI Innit" I was working two full time jobs and the teacher pretty much said from day one that we needed to devote 30+ hours a week to studying the subject because he couldn't cover it in the classroom himself(AKA because he was inept as fuck) and I sure as shit did not have time for that apart from being busy nearly 100 hours a week already so I cheated like crazy in that class. My favorite instance was when I got a bunch of formulas worked out into a dented code into my Redbull can, and just had the can at my desk during tests and anytime I needed to recall a formula I felt the can up for the code I dented in, even if he suspected I was using the can to cheat, he could have never proved I developed the system I did. tl;dr I pretty much invented my own form of Braille to cheat.
  10. Easy for tempy, great performance
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