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Everything posted by Hex

  1. Mine belly is VERY full thank you
  2. Where the fuck was rev while i was filling my coffers LMAO
  3. why is @Sir Severednot on this list i demand a recount
  4. Heard @Dr Destinyturn into a rap god was a good night
  5. Lmfao been drinking margs and filling my bank with free loot TY LOL
  6. Ever feel like quitting when you were running solace but couldn't because of your position in the clan as an official or pressure to succeed?
  7. Good fight lads was fun
  8. Feel bad for you if you're a lions fan sorry pal
  9. As a VR warlord back in 2012 during the solace eos vr pd crash war. I absolutely hated how many corrupt sets solace members had and it was always a mental hurdle we all had to overcome thinking we weren’t doing shit to your guys’ banks. How many sets do you think you lost through that time period during the crash wars? Did people cry about having to have so many corrupt sets on hand?
  10. ty rev for donate to me and dd for me for easy clear try bringing anchovy pizzas or viagra next time so you last longer than 30 seconds
  11. Rev what is you doing baby girl?
  12. Hex


    You're insane
  13. Preferred Name Hex Current Clan None Previous Clan History Elite Assassins - 2011 - Warlord Gladz - 2012 - Rider of Rohan (Warlord/PKL) VR - 2012-2014~ Warlord Quit then covid happened and came back VR - 2020-2021 Warlord Team History is way too long to type out but most notable would've been in the old days Team Trinity, Silent Ember, Euphoria, CE (I got sneaked in) Most recently IMT, ADV Who do you know in Tempest? Lot of old familiar names from way back when and lot of newer people I've met from coming back How did you find/hear about Tempest? Fought you guys multiple times when I was VR and ADV Are you interested in joining? When the time is right yea Brief Introduction I was a caller back in 2012 for Gladz/EA and I wanted to step it up to the big leagues so I joined VR where I was a warlord with David and we called together with legends such as Arma150, L0l Kev, Mystical and so on. I was always a huge fan of CWA back then and still today and that's where I had the most fun, doing any type of F2P calling. When I came back I fell right in with the clan I had enjoyed when I played the game before, and realized it was nothing like the 2012 version of it that I had so many good times with. I understood people change and so did I. The clan world had changed as well and I didn't enjoy ragging and game was just unenjoyable. I stepped down early last year cause the game shifted away from F2P which is what I had always enjoyed. I stuck around in IMT until they went on hiatus and I still war with Adversity when its VS you guys every so often, and still call for them behind DWG and DR D to stay a little fresh. For as long as I can remember I've always been a vocal leader so it'll be nice for a change to be a little minion and be told to spam it the fuck up for the boys. I'm also a huge troll and I wouldn't be surprised if people have any negative opinions about me which I'd say are quite fair but I'm pretty confident those will change after speaking to whoever those are.
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