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Everything posted by Victoria

  1. The memory of the Dark Slayers will forever be haunted by the memes of Andytan
  2. Victoria

    IMK, AMA

    Not really a question, but wanted to say I’ve come to appreciate you very strongly for who you are over the last few years working alongside you in SB. Your personality is magnetic, you’re extremely detail oriented and very sharp. I can see why you hold the respect of so many people in the community and I’m glad I get to call you my friend. Thanks for doing this!
  3. It isn’t even close this time.
  4. So, previous clanning experience with a main clan, and a remake of said main clan. No listed pure clanning history, yet you found us on a Pure Community forum? Interesting.
  5. So you don’t know a single person here, yet you want to join? What made you interested in Tempest? How did you hear about us? Good luck if you decide to pursue this.
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