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Everything posted by Victoria

  1. Any friend of the chimp is all right by me. Welcome.
  2. Hello! I wanted to make a broader topic to see what sort of games everyone in our community plays outside of RuneScape. I'm doing this because I feel it will add a new layer of engagement with members and guests alike within the Tempest community, and who knows? Maybe you'll find a common interest one or more people have on these boards and you'll be able to connect and have fun on the game of your preference. Hell, if there's a lot of people that play a particular title we could get one or more little clubs going on, or even a community wide hosted event if there's a large enough amount of support or demand for it! Right now I'm mostly interested in the titles you personally play outside of RuneScape. You don't necessarily need to include how often you play these games or what your IGN is on those games/platforms but you're free to do so if you want. I'm also interested in the titles everyone is anticipating coming out. Is there something you've had your eye on recently that you can't wait to dive into? Post it! The single player games I tend to play are more of the boomer shooters. Things like the original DOOM titles, HeXen, Heretic, Quake, Blood and the like. All of which are great titles and I would highly recommend each of you play if you're into old FPS titles. Some of them are very interesting in concept, especially HeXen, and are very challenging and provide a lot of action as well as puzzles to solve. I'll usually play one of these games when I'm doing something super AFK on OSRS so I don't get bored. Multi-Player games I have and play with friends are games like Left 4 Dead/L4D2, Age of Empires, and Europa Universalis IV. EUIV is definitely one of the more difficult games I play in my library, although it's a bit hard to find people to play with sometimes. I would say that Diablo 2 is probably the game I spend the most time on outside of RS. I've played this game fairly consistently for a number of years, and I've never really gotten bored with it. Diablo 2 Resurrected, which is a full remaster of the original title is something I've very much been looking forward to. I just hope Blizzard doesn't manage to botch this game the way they handled the Warcraft III: Reforged debacle. Having Vicarious Visions do the actual remake and viewing the timeline of how they're approaching the development of this has restored my faith in the project, so here's hoping it's a success. Your turn!
  3. Always a good time with PD. Good fight today!
  4. You and @Sir Severed sound like you’d be best friends. Welcome.
  5. Found on page 4 of Brian’s Quest Cape topic:
  6. I have a habit about not getting enough rest due to the amount of time I spend working, which fuels an aggressive dependency on caffeine to stay awake, which won't allow me to get proper rest itself so the cycle just sort of continues in a ridiculous fashion.
  7. Yeah but you’ve had a bit of history taking “banter” a bit too far and getting pretty personal with people. Also I’m almost certain I’ve been around a hell of a lot longer than you. As far as the account sharing goes, it’s your account and your responsibility. Reflects pretty bad god damned badly on you.
  8. Not sure what this is supposed to mean, but your personality, how you act publicly and how you treat others isn’t gonna fit here. Unless you’ve somehow done a complete 180 in the last year I don’t want you having anything to do with Tempest.
  9. Had to deal with you far too often on SB for acting like a shithead. Personally hate your attitude.
  10. They kicked you because they don't want everyone to know howl dead they are.
  11. I'm probably one of like 5 people in this community that owned an Atari 2600. I'd be surprised if anyone outside of my usual suspects even know what the hell that is. Asteroids and Space Invaders are where it's at.
  12. Victoria


    No order here, just as they come to mind: @Brian - I have a 14 Year+ history with him. Someone I consider a dear friend, have spent a lot of time around and know what the man is capable of. Sharp as a tack, cares about his people, and pushes us to be the best version of ourselves. I'm glad he came back to the game for Tempest and recruited me, it's been great getting to reconnect and mend our friendship. @true - Helped me when I was at my lowest point and had no friends to turn to. He's a very genuine individual and cares very deeply about people. I was honestly surprised when he reached out to me several years ago when I started going down a bad path. He saved me from myself and some bad decisions I had made and gave me a shoulder to cry on when I felt like no one cared. I wouldn't be here in Tempest today if he wasn't a figure here, and I'm not afraid to say that I love and respect him with all my being. @Ashley - Was a very silly kid when I first met her a number of years ago. She's very caring and loving, probably one of the nicest people I've met in years. Has been someone I could confide in and talk with, and she always manages to make me feel better on my off days. I have nothing but love for her. @dnd5 - Has been a very close friend of mine for the last six months, spend an absurd amount of time chatting with him and goofing around in Discord. A ton of fun that makes me smile every single day. @Hat - Probably my oldest friend still playing. He has one hell of a personality and always manages to put a smile on my face. Tempest has been a great opportunity to reconnect with him and I honestly couldn't be more thankful for that. @Venenatis - Was full of aspirations and ideas when I first met him, I really loved his can-do attitude and willingness to take on critics when he started Vanguard. I was never part of his clan but saw the love and dedication he gave to it every day when I spoke with him, which is something I've noticed again with his time with Tempest. He's very sweet and caring, and definitely an irreplaceable one-of-a-kind personality. @Scleritis - Staple personality in DI. Despite his ape-like behaviors, he has a heart of gold. I just have to give him shit constantly for all the trolling and grief he gives me on a daily basis. Think that's all I can really mention for now. If I didn't mention you, I promise I still love you. It's just hard to do these sorts of things on the spot.
  13. @Dickus is a fucking banana daiquiri (because he’s an ape).
  14. What the fuck, you’re French?
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