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Everything posted by Kody

  1. Yo! Welcome, hope you enjoy your time here. It's comfy
  2. worth way more than i thought theyd be, gj gz
  3. Kody

    85 Thieving

    99 inc????? go on brian
  4. Blood pressure through the roof
  5. Kody

    The Comeback

    Destined for greatness
  6. Big one Dular, go on
  7. Kody

    99 prayer

    Very nice one, enjoy 126
  8. Kody

    97-98 prayer

    Big gains, gz!
  9. Damn, getting 99 slayer as the final stat to max must be the best feeling, gz
  10. Fuck no, in America if you answer regularly you will be added to lists and spread like wildfire, you'll get 30+ calls in a day sometimes. My old roommate's phone is flooded with Indian call centers lol
  11. Kody


    Such a sick pet, gz
  12. Yeah I play baseball and it helps a lot pre and post game, love it
  13. So awesome, grats on that
  14. My forum signature is no longer a lie
  15. Kody

    93 herby

    green af, gz
  16. What happened to it? Comfy setup though, we need to crowdfund you a side monitor
  17. It was mandatory reading from my RoT days, FA process literature list
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