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Micael Fatia

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Everything posted by Micael Fatia

  1. Congratulations! Fills me with joy seeing 99s being celebrated. Brings back great memories.
  2. Amazing, well done everyone. This is what I love to see.
  3. Sadly yes, they had the aim of DK snipers.
  4. How do you miss a target so large and so orange?
  5. If I were to start over from zero, are there any guides you'd recommend? I've never exactly had to start from zero again so any tips to speed it up would be most welcome.Β πŸ‘

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kody


      Faster than ever to get stuff done these days, gl. Do itΒ 

    3. Micael Fatia

      Micael Fatia

      I'm on vacations currently, but I'll see what I can do when I get back. Cheers all.

    4. Lavigne


      Follow the ironman guide.

  6. So much loot, what a fest!
  7. I think I'm blessed for being able to say I have no idea who that is.
  8. I need more information to make up my mind. What is their position when it comes to politics between arses, also know as arse politics?
  9. Still an overachiever, well done!
  10. As for Yuan I completely understand your PoV, I know him very well and we're friends to this day, so better than most I know how set in his ways he could/can be. He wasn't the easiest to deal with.
  11. Ah makes sense yeah, there was a lot of friction between the staff and Sal's CD back then. I bitterly regret not having done more and better when I had the chance, it was never a goal of mine to become staff and I didn't even think it possible as I never felt anything special compared to a lot of clanners who used Sal's CD. Maybe if I had tried a little harder, so much drama would have been avoided. Later I learned that the biggest reason (from the staff's part) for the manner they treated the clan section was a fundamental lack of understanding of the community. They had a somewhat strict set of staff guidelines to maintain the peace, which clashed heavily with the freedom clan communities needed. They couldn't understand some degree of bickering and drama had to be tolerated, as that is simply a large part of what the competitive clan world was about. So for them the Sal's CD stood out like a sore thumb, and they couldn't wait to get rid of it, because none of them had the willingness to make the effort to adapt their moderation style to what the CD required. It got worse when a newly promoted moderated decided to take it upon himself to be the answers to the CD's request for proper moderation, without knowing anything about the community at all. A recipe for disaster. Funnily enough Finisterra (the mod) ended up demoted for leaking. Maybe it's just me tooting my own ("our" actually, as this should flatter all former Sal's clanners) horn, but I always felt the death of Sal's CD was the first step towards the end of the clan world as we knew it. Out of a sudden the recruiting grounds and home of so many small and midsized clans was gone, and with it the lower tiers of clanning took a huge hit, even if the big leagues never noticed it because they were too busy with their top 10 drama.
  12. Hey Slaughter! Of course I remember you, how could I not? House name pretty much. I think you may have mistaken me for (Lord)Yuanrang, who was in Excer and was the only Sal's CD member with clanning experience at the time the Sal's CD was still around. Which is an understandable mistake to made, he became my mentor so we were a bit alike in personality. Unfortunately I only became a helper after the Sal's CD community had already moved out, and only a few remained behind. Perhaps you remember me from that period, but I'd wager you're thinking of Yuanrang though. Just the fact you remember me is already flattering, back then I was pretty newbie and looked up to all of you "pros".
  13. I am sorry for not replying to every individual welcome, I hope a felt thank you will suffice. I wanted to respond individually to two of you though, even if in a bit of a rushed manner (working Saturday, blergh). You had me added at some point, although I'm entirely unsurprised at you likely not remembering me, with all your roles and clanning history some people always end up somewhat forgotten. 😝 During the solo period I mentioned in my intro, one of the teams I used to join occasionally was PH, during the drama days vs DK. I disliked them with a passion, and you know... the enemies of my enemies are my friends. πŸ˜„ If there's any chance of you remembering me, it'll probably only be for the fact I was completely combat maxed (Prayer included, when it cost a kidney to max), and back then it made you stand out a bit in PK teams like PH.
  14. EoS by the end of RS2 until like the end of the crash war with Downfall. DI during it's resurgence in OSRS during a period there was a truce with RoT, but they were attempting every possible excuse to crash us again lol. Unfortunately I only joined the big leagues a bit too late. I've always delayed it thinking I'd have time in the future, not knowing the end of the old clan world was around the corner. Thank you all for the warm welcome! 🍺
  15. Oh yeah and DK, dear lord I despised them. How could I forget.
  16. RoT. Not necessarily anything against the clan itself, there was just a tendency for a ton of... unlikeable (to put it nicely) people to flock there. Like legitimately toxic players, making things overly personal. I disliked them the most because they used to protect these toxic users from any consequences. When I was part of EoS, definitely Downfall but also RoT. DI days, easily RoT. 3xtermination days, Forgotten Templars and Ronin (I wouldn't say I "hated" them, more like they were our biggest competitors and rivals). Clan Legacy it was Solace for sure. A bit of a rivalry going over which of us would rise to the top 5. Eventually Solace won by default when inner drama killed Clan Legacy, but the short lasting rivalry was fun and heated nonetheless.
  17. Well done, used (still is?) to be a painful skill.
  18. Sadly I've long lost most of the clan days screenshots. Here's one with DDB before EoC.
  19. I'll always be 3xtermination for life, because it was the people who made the clan, but lord have mercy our name sucked. πŸ˜„
  20. Runescape Name (Don't post if login name) Used to be Micael Fatia , a long time ago. While in DI I had a different name, but I honestly can't be entirely sure what it was. Mancy Drew I believe. Preferred Name Micael Current Clan Been retired for maybe a decade or longer. Previous Clan History The order may be a little messed up, but I'll try to name all I remember. Hatebreeds, Fable, 3xtermination, Clan Legacy, Dark Dragon Breath, Echo of Silence, Damage Inc Who do you know in Tempest? I haven't had the opportunity to have a good look around, but just from a quick 2 mins look around I recognize (obviously, he invited me) True2k8 and Vanzant (although I doubt he remembers me). Any former Sal's clanners may at the very least recognize me, and I'm sure I'd recognize them. How did you find/hear about Tempest? True2k8 Are you interested in joining? Haven't played in over a decade. Just visiting, reminiscing about the good old times. Brief Introduction Not that much to say, but since it's an intro might as well start hitting keys and see where it takes me. So I'm probably most well known for having been (semi)Sal's Staff. A DM (some sort of junior mod position), site administrator/editor, Clan Chat (fansite) main admin (shared with another Sal's CD oldie, Sobend) etcetera. I began my RuneScape 'career' in the Sal's fansite, and was introduced to clanning in it's thriving (at the time) clan community, second only to RSC during most of it's existence. Fist competitive clan I joined was 3xtermination, led by PkPete, Bears and Hutch. I didn't know Hutch that well, but I was good friends with both Pete and Bears. Following the demise of 3xtermination, and eventually of the Sal's CD, I followed 3xtermination buddies into Clan Legacy (an attempt to merge all the clanners from former Sal's CD closed clans), and then DDB after Legacy's closure. Well one of the times anyway, I was in so many versions of 3x and DDB that it's hard to keep track. I was a bit detached from the clan world around the time of the crash wars, mostly due to the fact there was someone in RoT who used to dislike me, and would snipe me during wars, anti-crash trips etc, and we couldn't retaliate because that would mean getting crashed by RoT. So I went solo and grew a bit bitter towards this player, eventually joining VR trips to crash RoT for the sole purpose of "returning the favour", hunting only this one player. I became a F2P (lame I know, but hey it was pretty fun!) solo PK expert, and pretty good at it with multiple galleries with hundreds of kills each, so around this time I remained connected to the clanning world mostly as a guest and avid observant, sometimes joining random PK groups. When all of this was over, EoS was my next experience in the final days of the "old" clan world. Stayed with EoS until it closed for the final time, then eventually joined Damage Inc (OSRS). This was around the time unfortunately real life began taking all of my time, and RuneScape became an afterthought. I ended up kicked from DI for inactivity, just a few weeks (I believe anyway, wasn't keeping track back then) before DI closed. RuneScape in general and clanning in particular played a large role in my childhood, and I consider both the game and the community helped shape me into the person I am today, for the better or worse. I'll always look back and think fondly of the good old clanning days and the joy that it was playing RuneScape and competing in this awesome and chaotic clan world. Good to see there's still so many of you out there playing the game and keeping all the memories alive. 🍻
  21. That's a lot of loot. Making me miss this damn dumb game. πŸ₯Ή
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