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The End

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Everything posted by The End

  1. This is actually Dark Warriors' Fortress
  2. 1) You guys mentioned earlier you are very content with what you have accomplished since opening on OSRS, and would view this iteration of Wilderland as a huge success even if you closed tomorrow. That being said, are there any specific goals, achievements, or milestones you would like Wilderland to actualize while you are open? 2) With decline in F2P CWA fights it seems Wilderland has been steadily P2P Pking. Do you see yourself doing any organized P2P fights in the future? 3) Having recently fought many clans in head-to-head F2P battles, what did you feel the opposing clan did well and what could have they done better in their fights with you? How happy were you with your performance against each? -Revenant -Ancient Fury -Echo of Silence -Violent Resolution -Reign of Terror -Tempest
  3. Welcome! Good luck with the grind, it isn't that bad nowadays.
  4. Hey! Glad you found us, welcome.
  5. This is more of an Exotic question (for those not aware Exotic was an OSRS Brazilian clan led by D96 and Vitor active circa 2015-2017). This happened probably around late 2015 or early 2016, while Downfall was in a crashwar with Ronin, some Vander guy basically came out of woodwork and announced he was going to create a new Brazilian clan with the name of Brazilian Rigour which was supposed to consolidate clans like MMA/Arroz. He apparently had a long standing beef with Exotic members that went back decades so he also declared he was going to destroy Downfall for having many Exotic shareds. His first act of vengeance was to post an IP grabber in Downfall's IRC channel that got caught in a few seconds. @dwg let him really have it to the point he was typing us apology essays for the next week. My questions: 1) What ever happened with Brazilian Rigour? Was it ever a thing, or was it a failure from start? 2) Why did the Vander guy hate Exotic and is he still around? Related question: 3) Given many Exotic officials (MrLolz, Vitor, D96 to name a few) are now leading Wilderland -- do you feel it is much easier to get people hyped and join behind "Wilderland Supremacy" versus if you had tried to open a new clan with a different/new name? I believe you explained to me in the past the reason in 2015 the clan had to be called 'Exotic' that it would have been near impossible to unite everyone using a name of a past clan given the beef from the old days. Looking back do you think 'Exotic' would have enjoyed more success if you instead used the name of a legacy clan (whether that be TCL, Wilderland, or HA)?
  6. hey welcome to the forums
  7. Were any one of you at this fight where all the Lithuanian and Brazilian clans combined to face off in a Lithuania vs. Brazil huge wilderness war? If so, how did you manage to get all the Brazilian clans to combine forces for this fight? What are your thoughts/memories of this fight? Thanks to @Pjz for providing the vids.
  8. @D96 having been in P2P powerhouses like Damage Incorporated, Revenant, and Ancient Fury in recent years, what would you say are the strengths of weaknesses of each clan? Between Ancient Fury and Revenant if you were to rejoin a clan today, which one would you pick and why?
  9. Country clans were often exempt from the multi-clanning rule most clans had. Did you have a lot of WL pre-EOC also in international clans? I do remember a lot of Exotic in OSRS were in Downfall. Did you feel having members in international clans was more a strength or hinderance? Although it is in the minority, I believe you currently do have some members in other clans (e.g. GEOIDE in VR and @Digg / digeoM in Deathrow). My question for you is: how do you prevent conflict from interests occurring? For instance, sensitive WL information getting leaked to other clans with shareds, or a scenario where you run into the rival clan in the wilderness (e.g. you're out P2P Pking and run into Deathrow)?
  10. There is a rumor that is been floating around that the leader of Arroz hired a prostitute and had her role play as @D96 and even branded her forehead with "D96". Then some obscene acts were caught on video and dozens of pictures and video clips were distributed across the interwebs. Is there any validity to these rumors? If so, how did it make you feel @D96 that a rival leader would go to such extents?
  11. When do you guys plan to rescue Slyfer from Arroz like you did to @Leeo?
  12. @D96 @Vitor As officials in the new DI -- do you feel you use a lot of the skills you picked up there in leading Wilderland today? @Horn As someone who was away from the game a long time prior to COVID-19 and OSRS, do you feel you lean on the other staff more who had experience with OSRS? What was the biggest surprise to you coming back to the game after so long?
  13. Several New Power members used to be in Arroz, but broke apart from them and some like @Dig Din ended up joining WL. Can you comment more on why that rift happened, and how former Arroz members are finding Wilderland?
  14. There was a period in OSRS after a large loss streak in CWA (something like 6-7 losses), WL followed up that with an impressive win streak of 9 or so wins against some tough opponents in a small period with basically a fight every day. What do you think contributed most to the big turnaround? Currently, it appears WL do not enjoy CWA events. Why do you think that is, and what can change member's perspective on CWA fights?
  15. An Arroz member gave the below rundown of why Arroz was beefing with WL in OSRS around when WL opened (this quote is from early July). Is any of this accurate/true or just a biased tale? "Basically wilderland decided to reopen weeks ago and Arroz leader did let some of their members come to our events to loot/ac/etc... Everything was okay between the two clans and one of the Arroz official actually talked with Diogo about a future alliance between the two clans to be sick in both servers P2p/f2p and he said he was going to think about it but never actually happened... Tl;Dr in a wilderness fight between rot vs foe wilderland was there and decided to trash talk towards Arroz and did a small doxing spam about our leader and that's how it started and... Diogo decided to put spys in Arroz after doing that to see our reaction live in their discord and they had sick laughs about it... I mean Diogo said he just wanted to have fun, some sick action and good laughs and not taking this anything srsly but that didn't happen at all... He actually took this very srsly already doing snaky shit aka using his spys to leave cc versus death row when we lost to em 2-1, brainwashing some of our ex members that left us for em, etc... Last tl;dr he said that wilderland was going to close after quarantine was over in his country and that he's doing this just for action and nothing more but the truth is... He was lying all the time to the leader of Arroz lol"
  16. Which other country clans and international clans did you enjoy fighting most back in the day? What challenges did you face getting so many people back for OSRS in 2020? Is the current WL made up mostly up ex-WL or several others from other Brazilian clans? What do you like/dislike about the current clan world versus the past?
  17. Thanks for the fight AF, and good job Tempest PD
  18. Thanks for standing in, appreciate it
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