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Old School
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Everything posted by Null

  1. unbelievably hyped for this
  2. Nice intro, welcome to forums mate 👍
  3. Welcome to forums mate, how scared are you for the one piece Netflix series 😄
  4. I think with most sports the draw is the competition itself, not point scoring or anything like that but watching talented athletes performing at the highest level for me is always going to be interesting. I think with combat sports more specifically though, I find it to be like the purest form of competition kind of thing - there's very little, if any source of outside interference which can influence the fighters such as having a better manufactured car in f1 for example, or even team mates once you are in the octagon. edit: Poirier O'malley
  5. Null


    Grats mate 👍
  6. Hey mate, welcome to forums 👍
  7. Hey mate, welcome 👍
  8. Null

    Heron Pet

    Nice one, gz 👍
  9. Null, I've known the guy who has it for years now and he hasn't played for ages so it's just collecting dust.
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