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Noble Inc

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Everything posted by Noble Inc

  1. Waiting for it, I'm in Phase 2, but the demand is far exceeding the supply.
  2. I've heard good things about you, welcome
  3. Was always a F2P guy, and liked P2P when it wasn't a one-hit fest that it is nowadays.
  4. If it stays p2p, DF. Haven't seen much of F2P myself to make a call on that end.
  5. Noble Inc

    Lego - AMA

    What role do you play on League mainly? I haven't played since the new item changes.
  6. Came to watch, got piled by VR thinking I was crashing. Some things never change 😅
  7. Noble Inc

    Lego - AMA

    I've heard about the pizza incident; how many did they send? Just 1? What advice would you give to some of the newer age clanners? Good seeing you around Lego.
  8. Read them, still have the hardback books on our shelf.
  9. Noble Inc

    5 left

    Powering through it, debating on what to do next. Fletching? Herb?
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