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Everything posted by Stewie

  1. Stewie

    Fuck Kraken

    Ironman? Trident is huge on the IM game mode man well in if it is
  2. Finally, posting only because of how stupid this game is with rng, 3 times the fucking drop rate for this shit
  3. Please consult google for name definition if not aware btw
  4. very nice man, good looking hardcore
  5. Hunllef > Kraken > Skotos Still no tentacle btw When will my luck turn around
  6. thanks man, im glad you're understand, it isnt easy getting things you dont need but are rare af, maybe one day ill be lucky 😞
  7. First Mith set was from killing chickens and selling the feathers, first addy set was from killing hill giants first rune set from mining coal and selling it i believe.
  8. 2 Pets in less than a week, all i want is the fucking tent whip
  9. Good update, but... WHERE IS RAIDS 3?????????
  10. Ironman somehow has more Grandmaster than the main haha
  11. CG with only your fists is pretty hard, this will probs take a lot of redemption procs to complete - more hp per food slot basically, very risky each time because if you're 12 hp and you try a proc, it can hit like 13's, so a good chance you're dead. Some of the inferno ones are crazy, Melee only is bad but probably the No Magic one could be worse, means no blood barrage, I mean you can camp SGS / BP specs but the task itself will take absolutely hours. They also want a Jad skip, like, theres only a handful of pros who can do this (Jad skip is flicking Jad after he spawns on Zuk, and continueing to kill Zuk, means you have to flick jad and kill healers (or skip these too!), while doing this the entire time you hit Zuk and brew / pot etc. Madness
  12. On this account this is the firts place it's been good haha XD
  13. Trading in armour seeds for shards to make it corrupted asap, need to come back here for blade eventually so will get plenty more arm seeds if i go drop rate or above. Corrupt bow means no more RCB raids and inferno attempts to getting it done right away
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