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Everything posted by Applerune

  1. Wish I had something to contribute but talk about a nostalgia overload... so cool to see. Props to people for saving things.
  2. proud to have offered my services for @Bolton Squad's removal
  3. Any fights against EoS, TT, and RSD were excruciatingly boring
  4. Most P2P clans/teams used it and a few of us in leadership came from mostly P2P clans. I dunno why but most P2P clans/teams used Vent back in the day. I always preferred Vent to TS and at the time it seemed like Vent was a bit safer from ddosing and those sorts of things. I have no clue if it actually was, but I remember reading about it somewhere and so we switched.
  5. I was retired when he joined The reunion trip was a blast. We will definitely do it again provided rs is still around... probably not for another year or so. It came together really quick. We had like 60 people. Good fun
  6. Never really felt like any clans compared I had some close people do some universally frowned upon things in the clan world. Not often, but I did it. I did it out of retaliation because I had a strong case that it was being done to us. You can prob put the pieces together
  7. Haven't spoken to him in a long time, but he was one of the best fall in leaders we ever had. He was awesome in COR and very quickly became an integral part of the clan. He's a model now I believe. But his time in COR was great.
  8. Yea it's tough cause there's so many different people who have devoted large portions of their lives to the cause. There's a lot of moving parts. We talk a lot about the big clans and "players" like COR, DI, DF, RSD, etc., but it's a tough decision no matter what level you're at. It's tough too because regardless if you got along with certain individuals or liked or didn't like them you still cannot discount their contributions. Everyone has a hand.
  9. 1. Biggest challenge was quickly transitioning from the old guards mentality (no crashing, out of game tactics, etc) to the new guard. There was a bubble within COR that wanted to burst and change things for good but never had the opportunity to do so. When I got leader, it was full guns blazing. We weren't necessarily struggling at the time, but we weren't fighting for anything near the top 3 spots. We needed a massive motivational boost. So many of our members wanted to crash, they wanted long fights and they wanted to have fun on the game. COR had grown a bit stale. COR was also very good at getting out of slumps so I had no reservations about turning COR into a #1 clan. And that's exactly what we did. 2. My plan was to pick on a lesser, second-tier clan & motivate the troops this way. Usually that meant TR, TRWF, any country clan, CR, Solace, etc. Not sure when any of these clans closed or reopened or what they were doing at the time. But I chose TR because we had a disgruntled member (which happened to be the person asking this question lol) named Kenny (Mars/Dezolude). You really wanted a chance to lead fall ins in a top clan and I took advantage of that to get a forum account/spy into TR. Once you gave us what we needed (screenshots & forum access) we were able to motivate the troops. We destroyed TR any time they went out. Good fights and some domination of shitter clans motivated the troops and once leadership changed hands (to me and Starman) older members started to come back, new blood joined, and we were on our way up. We even convinced Chopa to come back to help re-ignite the really old members. It worked wonders and once Conditions21 joined and we had the trio of him, Jay, and Dave (Mage Boy 500) we were unstoppable. We went from pulling 40-60 people to 130 on no preps a few months later. We had almost 160 people in vent in summer 2010. At one point we had ~70 FAs. It was COR's last great run. 3. The only logical person would be Anarchal Pk (Vishal) and even then he wasn't ready to be leader. IMO, I don't think Jay was ready to be leader either, but he was the only logical choice at the time. It made sense. My real life was falling apart between my stepdad and mom splitting and my life changed a ton. I had no choice and Jay was the only one who was respected enough to be taken seriously as leader. I think Jay did a good job given the situation he was dealt. He was never going to get the clan to where we got it, but the game had changed so much after I retired that it didn't matter. 4. I was working prior to the pandemic. I work in college athletics. No games played, no work for me. I'm biding my time until then and I'm still around fairly often and have played all the popular games people play these days. It's really hard to answer this question. IMO, if you didn't treat your clan as a full-time job you were never going to be successful. You had to be available at all times, especially when you were doing well because you'd never want to risk something going wrong and you not there to deal with it. I have never considered my time on RS a waste of time. I have friends in a dozen plus countries. I learned how to deal with people better than any college class or workshop or YouTube video or whatever thing you could use. I learned to understand different cultures, customs, and norms and dare I say it I learned accountability, hard work, and how to critically think and manage multiple fluid situations. RS taught me a lot. I've been in management and supervisory positions in my career work and I'm astounded at how bad people can be at managing others. I never had this fear or reluctance because of RS. Leading an RS clan also taught me how important it is for leaders to be approachable, relatable, and the power in a group of people uniting toward a common goal. And I don't think that's a sad thing to say. RS has been such an asset to my life, the only thing I don't like to think about is how much time I physically spent in front of a PC. To answer the question, tho, I don't know that I'd do it all again. I'm 28 now and I actually care about my health and there was little healthy about my involvement with RS despite the things I learned. There were so many life things I put off for RS even though I was young. I would never classify my time as a waste tho. That's easy to say with the benefit of hindsight, however. My time on RS was an absolute blast - an unhealthy one, with the benefit of hindsight - but an absolute blast nonetheless.
  10. 1. Radicalsurfu 2. I miss the people.. but I don't miss leading an rs clan. It's a lot of work. Life is great now and I'm happy that "chapter" is over. 3. Both were great members. They were both shit officials. Slick was a good fall in leader. Neg was OK. Both were good dudes for the most part. 4. He was a good member. 5. I was cool with Bella. She was super upset she was never considered for leader. That really soured her feelings about COR. I told her she wasn't respected enough to get leader (plus she was aussie) and she didn't like it. It spiraled quickly and she ended up leaving IIRC. I liked Bella a lot tho. I believe her to be a good person. 6. I think if I could attend a CLEAN F2P fight every now and then I would. I still play other games. I'm around. But the current dynamic in RS just isn't appealing. I quit playing rs sometime in 2007 other than clan related stuff. I was never really into the game... but I loved clanning.
  11. I loved fighting every clan. It was all fun. I didn't really "hate" fighting clans but TT & RSD always gave us trouble. They were the two best man-for-man imo.
  12. Another tough one... probably Kezzab Redds from TT. He was my boy
  13. As I said before I have no regrets... but one thing I wish we did better collectively was transition effectively from the old guard to the new guard. There was a lot of tension between high ranking officials that gave COR its notorious instability. We had a bunch of people in leadership who were of the old guard: no crashing, no flaming, no outside game "tactics," or any of those things that pretty much every clan was doing from 2009 onwards. COR had a major identity crisis because the newer guard wasn't given the control to do as they wanted. This prob started with Rad, his brother, and others when they left. It continued when I got into leadership and later Jay. By the time I was the actual leader of the clan it was probably too late to right these wrongs, but COR had a lot of success when I was given leader with Starman and we were able to run the clan our way. It was one last good run. If we could have found a way to bridge that gap better we would have been a much more stable clan.
  14. Tough. Starman050 Jay Jay665 Mage Boy 500 Conditions21 Chopa234 Andy4309 D2Master12 Magicarrow28 Fast993 Sh0w Craizy9 Nebbo Morpheus 002 Gwarzo Roguejedi88 Tomrampage Subzero0198 Anarchal Pk Skullator 88 Felipe Prieb So many others, but this is what came to mind first. Edit: no way I can leave off Aznboy, Dagoth Odros, Ngaged, Fernando, Tigers Go Ra, Ales999,
  15. Someone asked another good story that never came to light: Kamikaze (was a moderator at some point) e-dated some girl in COR (can't remember who, she wasn't in the clan long) and he shit on her chest during sex and she left him for it. He admitted to it on TS as serious as can be. Jon (Magenoobgirl, was high council) actually ended up marrying and I think had a kid with the woman whose chest was shit on. That's a good one.
  16. 1. We were in DA when DA went F2P and we were the best CWA clan. P2P was going nowhere and we knew the future was in F2P. Me personally, DF tried really, really hard to recruit me. I don't remember why I choose COR in 2008. 2. There was just nothing like the DA-DI-AG MB scene w/ all the other teams and stuff littered in. I think this was my favorite part of RS. MB pking was the best. 3. It's hard to compare the two. They were both so different and so great. I love em both.
  17. Starman050, Chopa234, Conditions21, Jay, Mage Boy, Fast993, Sh0w, Anarchal Pk I joined right in the middle of all this beef and quickly rose to Council during this time. From my perspective, Lukas and D2 were at odds with some of the current leadership (Andy4309, Chris1791, and Demonchild27) because they did not want to cross certain lines & they both wanted more power. I don't know the full story, but it's no coincidence that they joined VR, a clan that would readily give them both. Lukas was a moron, but D2 was actually a really good fall in leader and a good official. Nobody cared when Lukas left as much as he'd probably like to make it seem. Lukas was an official who wanted so badly a seat at the adult table but was always relegated to the kiddie table. He was not a "big player." D2 was a much, much bigger loss. Wasn't my decision, but from conversations during the time clan officials grew tired of RS and were moving forward with their real lives. RS was shit too. The last "good" portion of clanning ended at the end of 2010, maybe early 2011. IMO, nothing from then on is really an accomplishment. The clan world was so watered down after that.
  18. This is probably a question for Rob but anyone who was involved in the clan world at the time (2007/2008) knew how important Rad was to COR. I joined shortly after the mass-leave but it's no coincidence that when Rad and others joined DI they had a massive surge in power. I was in the P2P mage bank scene from 2006-07 and even I knew this from afar and as someone who never took F2P seriously. Take from it what you will.
  19. Just to latch on: This problem wasn't exclusive to Rob's era. Our community was our best asset but at times our downfall because most times the last thing any of us wanted to do was play rs, but we all loved each other and wanted to be around one another. As for the ladder part of the question - I think this our best asset. It allowed us to break out of slumps consistently. When we needed an extra push it was our relationships with one another that got us thru hard times. And none of that would be possible without the investment of individuals & relationships over time.
  20. 1. Not to get too personal, but I had always been available and ready to go for anyone during my time in COR. When my stepdad and mom split and my life drastically changed in 2011 I knew that RS was going to take a back seat for the first time in my life. A lot of people have trouble admitting this but anyone who lead a top clan (even non-leaders) that didn't treat their responsibilities as a full-time job is either 1) lying or 2) a shit official. Being a high ranking clan official was a LOT of work. For me, realizing that I had to leave COR behind because my real life was "falling apart" was a tough moment. I've never told Jay this and it's not indicative of his ability as a leader, but I knew without me COR would not last long. You can call it cocky, arrogant, whatever you want, but it's the truth. And I think Jay will admit as much. For me, retiring was a signal that my real life was drastically going to change and that COR would not last much longer. When you spend so much time devoted to something and all of a sudden it's just gone, it's a tough pill to swallow. 3. Every clan pretty much had a hype man. I heard most of them and almost all of them were shit. It was because most of them just yelled down their mic and made funny jokes and these kinds of things. I think the key to motivating anyone (not just in rs) is being respected and an involved member of the community. Everyone knew who I was. My words carried weight. It also took being consistent. You needed to be at almost every fight and be someone people could depend on. If I take pride in anything to my contributions on RS it was that I think I was one of the best at motivating the troops. I also didn't care about the clans we fought. I was purely motivated in making COR the best clan in the game. I never really said or did anything cringey like most clans did. It didn't feel forced. So much motivation being done by clan officials felt forced. That's just my two cents, tho. 4. Real life stuff IIRC. He also was given a lot of shit by members. COR was a tough clan to be in. The bantz was next level and if you couldn't hang you wouldn't last. He was one of the people who tried to but couldn't hang. Fasty is in medical school. I haven't talked to him in a long time. I know he quit because he wanted to take medicine more serious (and the rigor of med school is no joke).
  21. 1. Fm11 from Solace messages me on IRC and asks to speak to me, says its serious. I usually would brush things off like this but after some time he mentioned that it was about one of our members. I let him on COR audio and in a private channel he goes: "So, Merlinm88 (cor member) lives in my apartment complex. He knows where I live and he keeps leaving paper bags filled with shit on my doorstep every day. Can you tell him to stop?" That's an all-timer. I thought he was trolling, but I knew he was serious because nobody in Solace ever mentioned it to me and I never heard another word of it from any other clan or member or official. If it was a joke, people would have known. I asked Merlin about it and he confirmed. It was also his own shit which made it even more funny. 2. Enzock was not a good leader of people. He was the perfect high council. He also had debilitating anxiety that prevented him from doing a lot of the social aspects that made a good leader good. An absolutely outstanding person, a great guy, but not a good clan leader. He got a lot of shit from the clan world (and COR, really) and most of it was justified but was a lesser Chris1791 and Demonchild27. He should have never been leader.
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