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Everything posted by Applerune

  1. Glad we have a bunch of wholesome gamers who don't need no gifts to be happy
  2. The Brazilians were always such good dudes. You guys got a bad reputation but I never once had an issue with the Brazilians and we had so many good ones in COR. Nothing but respect!
  3. I think the idea behind Mars being similar to Earth is that there are really no planets like Earth (that we know of), so any planets that have even remotely similar characteristics are considered "similar." Think of the canyons, valleys, volcanoes, etc. I won't pretend to know a lot about this subject but you can read here further: http://phoenix.lpl.arizona.edu/mars111.php
  4. Thanks for pointing this out - meant to yesterday when I initially read the topic but the retardation was too much for me to waste energy on. Another thing to consider: massive amounts of scientists of all different races, religions, socioeconomic backgrounds, education backgrounds, and every other demographic in between have worked on the Moderna and Pfizer vaccine. I promise you they do not care about you enough to want to screw you over or do bad by you. Speaking as an American: the FDA review processes are the gold standard worldwide. They are not going to approve something that will cause significant harm to you. They have been doing this for over a century. Please, stop with the nonsense. Use your head.
  5. imagine caring about non warring events
  6. Used to play a ton of NHL online... people probably don't understand how disgusting this is. Awesome
  7. Actually fairly surprised at how accurate the results were, especially the breakdown.
  8. To add: "I think Corr viewed EH as an enemy, but an inferior one." This pretty much sums it up - and I think a lot of the other top clans felt this way. From conversations with other officials in other clans I never felt that a majority of the big clans like DF, RSD, VR, EoS, TT, etc. respected EH because of how you projected yourself to the clan world. It was off-putting. I think it was what held EH back, tho I realize that goes against everything your clan stands for. I don't say that disrespectfully. My respect and admiration for ANY clan official in a top clan back then knows no bounds. It was a grueling commitment and anyone would was fortunate enough to lead a clan in an official capacity has my ultimate respect.
  9. @3lite: Easier to just respond this way instead of quoting your reply - Long reply incoming, Andy4309 was a very diplomatic clan official. He was a different beast in that he was an integral part of the clan but a bit passive and off and on. For as great as he was (and he was great) his biggest downfall was that he sometimes was not as committed as he could be. This irked a lot of people but Andy was still beloved. Doesn't surprise me when you say he was easy to deal with because he wasn't one for all the drama & clan politics. He truly enjoyed warring and leading fall ins and was happy to leave the rest behind. I cannot speak for his motivations during the storied DF-COR rivalry as I wasn't in the clan then. From conversations I've had in the past with several very old COR members I've heard similar things. He is one of the best COR officials ever, tho. In terms of my personal perceptions & thoughts on EH: I didn't really care for EH, mainly because I couldn't stand Islamia. He was not easy to work with and he always acted as if he had a telephone pole up his ass 24/7. From COR's perspective, the whole honor & morality thing was pretty funny. I also couldn't stand Nullusion because he had some weird vendetta against COR and would constantly talk shit or troll on RSC for no reason when EH was never really on COR's radar. We always thought it was a bit awkward. After reading thru the AMA I have a newfound respect for EH's values, however. It's cool to see them explained like that because not many clans abided by those types of boundaries from 2008 onwards. That shit died in 2007. You have to understand that when I joined in 2008 most of COR did not actively play RS. It was a huge challenge for us as officials (I was given Council in 2008 when Andy and Chris1791 were leaders) to get our members to play the game. We had a large base of the clan that was formerly very active in a historic rivalry and their interest in the game was waning. We also had a large portion of the clan that was split and divided because of massive official turnover (leaving and retirees).. ex: Rad brothers leaving, Seifer, D2Master12, Lukas1400, Chopa234, Demonchild27, and a host of others. It pains me to even mention Lukas because he was one of the worst COR officials EVER and for me to name him implies that he actually made an impact on the clan, which couldn't be further from the truth. One of the worst officials I'd ever been around. I mention these things because EH was one of those clans that COR perceived to be all about RS 24/7 (same as RSD... and even DI to an extent) and coupled with the whole morality vibe you guys always tried to project it made it very easy to perceive EH as less than. COR had a weird hatred for people who played rs 24/7... probably doesn't make much sense, but we thought people who did were losers. It's why Enzock struggled so much because he was one of those goobers that really cared about rs. COR was ALL about warring and fights. We didn't do anything else. We logged in to fight and as soon as fights were over played other games. EH had a holier than thou aura about them that we felt was undeserved and it rubbed a lot of COR the wrong way. We thought it was funny. To be brutally honest, we never saw EH as an equal. For these reasons we were mostly NEVER going to end against EH, no matter the circumstances. We never felt that EH could keep up with us. We respected your member quality and we thought highly of Xero and S17 but other than that... not much. Our strategy against EH was to take out fall in leaders over and over. That sounds obvious to anyone with a brain who was a clan official or good member, but EH seemed to particularly struggle when they didn't have their best leading them. I don't want it to seem like I'm totally dunking on EH because we definitely respected your tenacity as well and we always knew you guys would come to play. You guys were a tough out but we never felt like we would lose against EH. I will say that we as officials felt EH was good for the clan world because you guys had values and stuck by them which was increasingly rare for the time. Thanks again for doing the AMA
  10. Hello! Thanks for doing the AMA. Lots of talk about COR from 3lite - I wonder what your take is on your retirement fight and "3lites castle." Forgive me for not remembering every detail and if any of that was wrong feel free to correct. I mean this as no disrespect at all... but I don't remember losing to EH (joined in 2008). Can you expand on that March 2009 fight? Seems you remember things a bit better than I do.
  11. am I the only one who doesn't watch TV shows?
  12. Maybe Eric feels the same way I did but I went through similar treatment with a COR/DF choice in 2008. Thinking back now, DF were just a bunch of weirdos who played RS and seemed like absolute goobers and COR didn't try to recruit me at all and the vibe in the clan was all about fights. There was no "pressure" to get to know the community or any of that political crap. It was simply can you show up and do your job? I think that's what led me to join COR. DF sucked my dick literally every single day trying to get me to join (most of DA as well) and it was so off-putting. They were always like that (True is probably the best at it) and it was a mega, mega turn-off. COR never did that shit with clans no matter how badly we needed members.
  13. everyone is just going to say "X person from my clan" so I'll add Enzock to this list along with Jepuv
  14. I'm glad someone pointed this out. 🏁 The prior leadership was extremely bureaucratic when they set up fights. This definitely changed as me, Jay, Dave, etc worked our way up the ranks. Not to highjack your topic or make this about COR, but COR was always willing to fight every and anyone no matter the circumstances. We would fight clans knowing we may very well lose, we would fight clans completely out of our timezone (think like the liths or the aussies) and we would do it consistently. Setting fights up with clans like RSD, EH, and TT you knew they would only fight on their terms. It was annoying. If you love or hate COR that's fine - for most people it would definitely be "hate" - but we were always willing to fight and I think one of the easiest clans in the clan world to set up fights with. I think that's COR's legacy - much like EoS - is that we were always willing to fight. Appreciate you mentioning that. As for the AMA... don't have much to add but for whatever its worth I have long said that Oli, Mar and Corbin were the best 1-2-3 in the game. Don't really think anyone has rivaled EoS top 3. For my money Oli and Corbin were the best I had ever heard or seen. I've pretty much heard any of the people mentioned on any topic about fall-in leaders and for my money you guys were the best. Thanks for doing the AMA
  15. @His Lordship types exactly how he talks
  16. Kebab was the best clan official I came across outside of COR. He would have been a high ranking official in any clan he joined. At one point we spoke every other day, most times daily. I would love to speak to him again. TT had a lot of really cool people and I always admired the internal structure of the clan. When I was first named leader of COR I really wanted to change the structure of our clan to be similar to TT's (to the point where there were posts in leader forums about it) but it was just too late in the game. Nobody was going to put up with long FA periods & selective processes after ~2009 ish. If you didn't have those processes and customs in place it was almost impossible to change your ways. At that point it was too easy to leave and join a clan that suited your needs and interests. I always admired TT. TT also bailed COR out more times than I can count. I think I was more active in TT's IRC than COR's and at one point I even had access to TS even though I was obviously not in the clan. IMO, COR was the most hated clan for a number of years (2009-2011) for sure. TT ALWAYS ac'd for us against anyone, no questions. Selfishly I'd say that was because I worked so hard to become so close to TT officials + members to the point that Kebab or Brad would pretty much do anything for me. TT were good people. May sound odd, but I wish TT were a truly dominant clan that could stake their claim alongside the likes of COR, DF, DI, RSD, etc. because you guys were absolutely good enough - just did not have the early history that the other big players had. TT will likely never get their due because of that but TT was truly a great clan.
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