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Everything posted by Lavigne

  1. Cheers for being one of the only clan/teams with a pair of bollocks.
  2. Royalty are m8s. Also 2nd most active wildy clan ty ff.
  3. Hello friend. Yes I remember your original RSN, predominantly from NI. First group I ever PKed with really.
  4. Unsurprisingly, my PC got hammered rendering this hence why it took so long.
  5. Imagine having new blood into the F2P scene and choosing to 1item instead of engaging it. 🤡
  6. Yea I was using the plugin on runelite for a bit but this is like, the OG RS2 HD with the original assets/animated login screen etc. I don't massively miss HD although using it tonight brought back some memories of PvP world era wars, but the login screen I missed.
  7. French is more useful purely because speaking German on it's own is worthless until you can understand the 20 orso diff dialects of it.
  8. I don't. But I allow my employees in my bar to wear shorts in hot weather.
  9. One's made from all the cotton my hard-working young African-American gentlemen make for me.
  10. Nah I barely even use my phone.
  11. Based clan having the balls to fight us when others won't. Much love.
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