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Posts posted by Lavigne

  1. Do you feel Jagex should take a harder stance on cheat clients? I remember using a modified one back in DI (based on SV's client) and Old Nite's spare got banned from it one fight which was obviously unappealable despite the fact it's nowhere near as retarded as this stuff is now. Like the most broken thing on it was it'd tell you how long was left on a freeze/whos already frozen immune etc, but seeing the shit I've seen in fights where I put a staff on and I glow up bright as a mage is very demotivating for playing this game because it's no longer based on mechanical ability, it's who has the better client cos on equal numbers with good callers you can't make someone end or put them at a significant number deficit anymore. Communities carry clanning in this game cos clients made the pvp shit. Honestly tempted to tweet bomb the fuck out of Ash daily until he gets off his fat chink ass and does something about it lol.


    Worst of all they black screen/won't patch in somecases won't even open in South Korea where RS is banned lol. So even when I'm in Europe I don't use em cos I don't wanna crutch on them later.

  2. Street B0y as a VR official should surprise me, but seeing how I saw Erika jump from Clan Friend to Council it doesn't. Tiffanyz got ranked cos tits. Wasn't aware Diegosage was a bad official but then again him and Liam didn't do much when I was there. 


    I would agree about Sparze. He's a spaz to pretty much anyone who's ever flamed him or had an issue with VR naturally, but he's never done anything that bad. Unfortunate choice of first name though lol.

  3. Do you find drama and beef enjoyable to some extent or would you prefer everything to be nice and respectful?

    Banter/trash talk and heated rivalries are fine, but everything should remain in the game.


    Where do you draw the line? Is talking shit and flaming ok?

    When it gets brought out of the game in any way, inc DDoSing.


    How do you think this effects how PvP is viewed amongst normal players?

    Probably not in the best light. I mean I would be surprised if an outsiders impression of the scene was anything other than crashing and DDoSing and them thinking ROT are dominant rather than the fact their behaviour is just borderline obnoxious, along with every other clan that crashes (so not even exclusive to ROT, but also SV and all those shit stinky pure clans).


    What's been your favourite drama, beef or rivalry of the years? Any stories to tell?

    VR/TT and DI+ROT vs VR/DF. We never swapped sides in the latter, we just decided if we were gonna be R1 F2P we'd have to fight ROT for it. Out of an initial alliance of DF, VR, EOS and DI (can't count af when it was mostly made it up of VR/DF at the time) - the only two left capable of pulling enough to a Sunday fight were DI and AF; and AF weren't involved in F2P like they are now; DF/VR crashed us as you'd expect and we had a team to clear rule, and then AF crashed us the next day in P2P and the rest was history. We didn't start anything but it was fun reducing VR and DF to a smouldering wreck for many months to come and ROT handled AF to our lack of P2P exp, we could never do much vs AF in the one timezone it was even anywhere near fun going near them - their own.


    What's the dumbest shit you've seen another clan or individual do to someone else?



    Was anyone else surprised at how well my AMA went lmfao?



  4. The Elven series on RS3 by far, a close second being Monkey Madness and Recipe for Disaster. I think MM and RFD are probably two of the best designed quests in the history of MMORPGs. Desert Treasure is insanely well written too. This game just shits on other RPGs quests wise.

  5. I miss pre-EOC RSC especially back when PKG/PKV was active. Post-EOC was mediocre as it just became a propaganda hub where people would stay in worlds with 7 people in minimal gear so they could have the topic and it's understandable why any self respecting clan avoided it with a barge pole knowing it meant jack shit. Pre-EOC though the banter was top tier as were the 60 page fight threads of passive aggressive teenagers.


    With all due respect to Victoria though, Sharkbrew is a toxic hive of shit in comparison and why anyone in mains cares about it is a mystery and is something that'll never even be RSC in it's swan song days. Their security is some of the best I've ever seen on a forum though so it's not like their Admins don't give a shit.

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  6. 12 hours ago, Heather said:

    Heya, and yes, yes I was. For a short bit after CR

    All Bout them mythic pluses boi

    Sweet, important question, horde or alliance? It's always a make or break friendship haha

    Different heather I think, not sure what FF you speak of? It's been awhile some of the initials and names got away from me. But hello non the less, All heathers are awesome 

    I'm not into pvp, I only M+.  But I agree Convoke is so broken but so strong for Fort Weeks. I think it's in the patch for class adjustments coming up tho

    Okay okay I'll give you that in 2021 lol

    I wish more games had a system like M+, by far one of the best pve systems I've ever had the pleasure of using.


    The rest of WoW is pretty garbo these days imo but M+ is an amazing feature.

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