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Posts posted by Lavigne

  1. On 10/21/2020 at 9:20 PM, Scleritis said:

    Kaochin - Spied for RoT 

    Lavigne - Spied for RoT

    Daniel156 - Toxic behind the scenes and left after he got demoted to create Dynasty

    DanB - Warlord who couldn't call past 9pm GMT

    Foyboy - Basically only a handful of people in the clan liked him and a lot of good people quit/stopped caring because of him. Left for RoT.

    Ye gonna have to make that up to you considering you died for our sins in masshl gate ? More defected than spied though, I never gave them anything whilst I was still a member of DI.



    Needless to say none of these personal, shits in the past and water under a bridge

    Edward5010  - Never experienced him in AA. Undoubtly the same in AA as he was in Team Aussie. Emo child that threw his toys out the pram back then if he didn't get his own way.

    Prannoy - Was good when the clan was doing well, nowhere to be found whenever it wasn't.

    Evizu - Good with his members, but horrid at running the clan and lacked pride and quality control in a lot of areas, as was unfortunately the beginning of "that" era of VR where they just threw all logic out the window and pulling more became more important. 

    Tukuruk91 - Ye say no more fam.

    Madz/K12 Rising - Like Edward5010, but 20x more emo. And took things outside of the game before converting to Christ (lol).

    East 93 - Good guy, but selfish caller. Would flame too many of his own members behind their backs rather than talk to them about issues, showed bias; one thing you don't do in a multi-clan CWA team. Would call until out of food, prayer and run and then lose fights by dying or bad calls due to having no energy to get there and had horrendous calls he'd refuse to change when told. He had Michele Ac, Jaybird, myself and Mohd at his disposal most nights and was reluctant to use them. Think he had either Paul or Joko for a while too.

    Foyboy - Foyboy was someone I never got to know on a personal level because we just never really got on. Expected more out of him as an Advisor but often decided to be one of the sole roadblocks to me advancing DI and would even try to put down my attempts to push the clan or sabotage them because he couldn't be bothered, but then leaves to join a clan that was playing at the level I was trying to get DI to. Very strange, many unanswered questions.

    Prensel - Absolutely fine, until he let his relationship with peaches get in the way. Simple, you pissed Peaches off, Prensel was on your back. Never had this issue as I avoided Peaches like I do to any female clanners who e-date; but watched some people get the heck.

    Mystical - Lovely bloke but couldn't call for shit in Martians and cost us so many fights. 

    Jack (Dragonwood) - Literally no idea how Dragoonwood did so well as a midsize when Jack did so little as a Leader and his other officials walked all over him.

    Gene - TORC Leader (RuneHQ back when they had a clan). Could write a book on even how at the age of 12 I knew this guy had no business being a Leader, was more of a dictator without the premise to behave the way he did. Ian/Im4eversmart was the only guy worth anyones time. RIP to Gene though who did pass away some years ago, left behind one hell of a legacy with that site.

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, Icedrop said:


    Who were RSD's best Mage Bank PKers post-Desert Treasure and why?

    To be totally honest I don't remember how Desert Treasure changed Mage Bank PKing.  Peak Mage Bank era (I'd say 2004/5) is a long time ago!





    Pre-DT was more tank heavy, TB tribrid and pure melee were pretty common since the normal spell book was complete trash. There were a few people who were fairly decent god mage hybrids though. Zammy flames scaled with mage level and could hit hard in an era where everyone didn't carry a fuckload of brews to MB. Full TBs in no-brew era MB lasted an eternity and with most MBers not praying 1v1 and many clans strictly forbidding logging and xlogging, was hard to get out when your only option was to run and try to buy time in axe hut or the other place near the bats, think it was like a pirate hut or something. HA12D was probably one of the better MBers from RSD in both pre and post Ancients.

    Also yeah DS were strong, but they were also severely overrated, most of what made them look good came from being predominantly OCE, in a lot of PKRIs they held a significant advantage as the later it got, the better chance DS would come out on top by an increasing margin.

  3. How old were you when you led RSD? RSD always came across to me as a very mature clan in and out of the game, and I remember FAing aged 16 and being advised my age was an issue but I would be given the chance to be seen as someone mature enough regardless of the number, something I always appreciated.


    What are any regretful decisions you made or were a part of as an RSD official?

    What were the original RSD requirements? I remember DI's old HP requirement but by the time I joined RSD it was just combat (I think 122?)


    How was your honor code in comparison with DIs?

    Who were RSD's best Mage Bank PKers post-Desert Treasure and why?



  4. On 9/16/2020 at 4:47 AM, God of Divine said:

    Runescape Name
    Sooner Rex (Training)

    Preferred Name 

    Discord ID
    Making one tonight.

    Current Clan
    None, Hopefully this One.

    Previous Clan History

    RuneScape Dynasty (OSRS)

    I was a solo Multi Pker back in the day with groups etc.. never joined a clan other then RSD. I was also a famous PKer called "Kids Ranqe" Back in the 2006. Some of my videos are probably still on YouTube!

    Are you interested in joining?

    Brief Introduction
    I’m a Italian Mafia member (Joking or am I? but i am Italian), i'm twenty five year old OSRS elite player, came back to OSRS after a few years of inactivity which was 6 years sadly.. Started fresh account recently this year and got decent stats since then. If you wanna know more just message me on discord,I will be joining later. I also love anime.

    bella raga

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