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Posts posted by Lavigne

  1. 32 minutes ago, Gochance1 said:


    Staff - I can't really remember everyone 100% as it happened so quick. Irvin, Killer Fame, Kenny, Lavigne(maybe?), Viet(maybe?). I forgot people but yeah can't remember.

    Making the clan - I just wasn't ready to accept Downfall closed at the time and I personally wanted to keep going for whatever reason. I made Impact after joining Vr for the week. 

    Positives - New faces to clan with from team trinity community and few others. First 1-2 months were very active. Teamspeak was popping at its peak times(like 30-40 on teamspeak actively talking and gaming). Made castle wars active and it made us active. 

    Ye I was on Impact staff. Didn't spend long enough in Downfall to know how to run it; this is precisely why a lot of clans get fucked, they promote someone who does one part of a job too well, but doesn't know how to run the core. So I was too much of a hardass on people who just wanted to chill and it wasn't great.


    Also why the fuck did you ever let Kayla get promoted. 


    VR was hilarious, no offence to the boys, it was a week well spent regardless of what Tim thinks.

  2. PG4rGsc.png


    Also own a Fiesta ST as a daily. I'd rly like an RS but I can't afford the extortionate insurance.


    My car in Korea is not worth posting. Currently got an S-Line A7 but rly its w.e they give me.

  3. 11 minutes ago, Null said:

    That name change has to be one of the biggest backfires I think I'll ever witness 


    I don't think I'd have legit managed a straight up afk 400 death rune autocast slaughter if it wasnt so simple for me to just right click and click the first pm dark name I could find lmfao.


    Literally all it did was make it easier to kill three people at once which arguably would have not have been the case with normal names picked out one at a time lmfao.

    • Like 1
  4. Youtube cried about the first song so it's on vimeo. There's an unintentional 10s black screen after one of the clips cos I forgot to close a loop region and cba fixing it (range is 3:45-4:05). Sick internet, but shit cpu so aint worth 2hrs to remove a 10s black screen.

    • Like 2
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  5. 23 hours ago, D2master12 said:

    I actually didnt know of Tukuruk until he joined Syndicate. From what I was told by Lukas is that he had a lot of members who wanted to join and we needed the numbers. Getting a lot of members was a top priority of mine. I also think he helped with the technical stuff like webmaster / forum admin stuff which I didn't want to be bothered with.

    Tukuruk's claim to fame was being able to recruit the same 70 people to every clan he was ever given a position in or founded, only to pull 30 the next week, struggle for 20+ the week after and then die. And somehow he repeated this with the same group of lads for a decade.




      On 1/6/2021 at 12:36 AM, true said:

    Having been in a lot of clans with a lot of skilled individuals, what would be your leadership "dream team"

    This is so tough because there were so many great guys. Probably forgetting so many people







  6. EH should have died long before it did, it went out in the same sad sorry way clans like Exer, RR and Collision did. Oddly enough I do remember PKing with you in NI, it drove my brain at 300mph to see you applying for EH later on because that isn't generally where ex-NI would end up, I pretty much always stayed in the side of clanning that you'd associate with ex-NI (VR, EOS, COR etc) before ending up in RSD.  


    Good history to read, weird that someone so loud could have a degree in accounting. You're supposed to be a boring fuck instead. Glad you realise NFL is the best sport on this planet - so are you a Giants fan?

  7. Languages, I'm fluent in Dutch and Brazilian Portuguese primarily from RuneScape, the former I think I've been speaking for around 14 years now. I don't think I'd be enjoying the run of employment I've had over the past 8 years in a variety of fields without being to speak almost 10 languages at this point. Also insane typing speed.

  8. Hey I'm not in Tempest, just Vitality atm which is enough for me considering I barely make it to an event there more than once a month lol.


    It's good to see you again man, talk soon. Solid group of guys here.

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