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Posts posted by Lavigne

  1. Corps always been a social boss imo. It's kinda like back when we used to PK spider years back in DI; I'm pretty sure I lost money on those trips in runes because half the time you were lucky if you got a kill once an hour, and the value was rarely more than a glory aside from the rare time you catch some big balls in Dragon Boots. Was never there to make any money or even to PK, but it was just being on TS for shits and giggles and Corps the same. Corp has some big loot but it's so rare and do tedious because you don't really get many kills per hour, but it's a good laugh.


    Think in all the years I've been Corp most I saw was a spectral sigil, and it was only worth like 30m at the time as it was before it hard spiked when all the CW players suddenly decided they wanted one to tank with.

  2. Conditions, G Warrior, Silverthug, Eomeri, Jaybird, David, Paul/Warriornumbers, B289, Gochance1, DWG, D96, Filz, Michele Ac, 7sem, Kikkertje; in no particular order. In terms of teams I loved calling with Jaybird, DWG and Phaeo in Martians and Imperium, in a lot of other teams you could just kill their best caller and force the weak link into action; you couldn't with Martians and Imperium because the calling line-ups were that strong.

  3. I'll always remember Nickos as being the first person who taught me how to A) Play melee-bind (I hated mage, but enjoyed melee bind) B) Naked melee-bind, where you wore blue clothes and just took your rune off lol.


    Also there is a metric fuckton of oldschool RS2 DF era members here so I'll be an opportunist. One of you must remember Gaz (Ultradeath4u), he was in most clans with me from 2007 onwards (EOS, COR and RSD before making DF his permenant and final home; I chose CL instead because I wouldn't have got into DF with my history and he barely scraped his way into a chance at FA). He was a Scottish kid who lived in Australia. By far easily one of my best if not the best friends I ever had on this game, but I lost contact with him and have been trying to track him down for years lol. His active years in DF would have been around like 2009-EOC update)


    I remember the CoR XBOX competition being memed ruthlessly lol.

    Great to see Nickos again too, EOS had by far one of the best communities, they might have been a RuneScape clan but the community was much bigger than that game, because we played Gunz, Warrock, Crossfire and loads of other shit together outside of events on TS and will be remembered, before I fucked up as the first clan that I called in and was ranked in.

  4. 14 hours ago, Evan said:

    My coworker is a die hard madden player. He did the 10 hour trial that he got with his like "ultimate" purchase and then extended it.

    He seems to really enjoy it. He plays ultimate team or whatever that is.

    Madden & Fifa are basically UT now. That's EA's cash cow and baby and that's what they put all their effort and time into. Which is why the game play and franchise modes are usually so fucking shit now.

  5. 12 minutes ago, mar said:


    ah ye not in touch with either of them, spoke to them both a couple years ago but they're among the eos who moved on an only briefly looked back

    Was one of the best clans I was ever in, shame I had to fuck it up by being a child.

  6. 4 hours ago, Untargetable said:

    Nothing like spending month to build & getting the "Go fuck yourself, it's your fault."

    I haven't had a pure since pre-eoc when everyone and their nan had a copy of Perfect Fighter. I know how much work a max pure takes to do legit, so yeah, that fucking sucks. Whats funny is the games that you do get a rollback when hacked on; it doesn't take long to rebuild all your shit anyway if you didn't.

  7. 3 hours ago, Mat K said:

    Yes, in the last 5 years Jagex have certianly focused on recruiting people who care about the game. I've never played FF14 - no other FF even compares to 7.

    People treat 7 like the holy grail, I personally felt 6 was better if not one of the best FFs (certainly my fav).


    FF14 MMO is very good, played it since ARR came out in 2013. It's not heavy on time commitment either patch cycles have big gaps and content doesn't take long to clear. Even if you're not into MMORPG endgames like raiding, I highly recommend the story.

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