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Posts posted by Pope

  1. Do you think Jagex would ever do it?

    Very unlikely. But who knows what they'd do if they were desperate enough financially (and the game had drastically decreased).


    Would you play if they somehow did?

    I want to say no, but honestly if the current OSRS was gone and there was a semi-healthy clan scene going on this "reset" version, there's a good chance I would.


    Would you expect them to update it? If yes, what updates would you expect to see and want them to stay away from? What updates do you think would be crucial?

    Yes. We saw last time how quickly the game stagnated and was down to like 12-15k online players at peak times during late 2013 before they started releasing updates. "Crucial" updates really depends on the person. I'd personally prefer a lot of QoL that they've released over the years. Don't care too much about anything else.


    How long do you think it would last?

    No clue. There are a lot of variables to consider. But I'd like to imagine it wouldn't work out too well. Or at least never reach the heights the current game did/has.


    If Jagex were to instead of releasing a permanent new 2007/osrs server, release it seasonally once per year or something along those lines for a few months, do you think this would be better? (See above for a bit more of an explanation)

    No, I'd see no reason to play a version of the game like that at all.


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  2. It was only a matter of time until someone comes along and ruins Discord. The platform is already very buggy, not as stable as it should be, and prone to security concerns. With Microsoft or another company behind it, I see these things getting worse as Microsoft will want to integrate it into Windows, which I'm sure'll cause something bad. Then eventually the ads will come. At that point I'll be awaiting the TeamSpeak 5 app that is pretty much a Discord clone.

  3. There's too many people who think freedom of speech = freedom of consequence. That's all it really is. It really isn't hard to not say stupid, cringe shit. Especially if you're a public figure. I have no sympathy for rich people who lose their riches because they couldn't refrain from saying or doing something stupid.

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    • Thanks 1
  4. Pure scene was cancerous as hell with or without the main scene there to make it worse. Wouldn't catch me doing that cringe shit, but at the same time I don't mind seeing clans like Apex slump since that Nox guy is a huge nutrider.

    • Haha 1
  5. Ngl all of the 3p clients are far too OP and tbh shouldn't be allowed. But there are certain plugins that make playing the game without them now quite miserable. Plugins like player indicators (just having different colored names when right clicking piles, not using tiles/names above head or anything, idc about that), HP bars when attacking players, having a hiscores on the client, loot tracker, xp trackers, and boosts info/timers etc. I'd say these plugins are pretty QoL and don't impede on the integrity of the game too much. But a lot of plugins do, especially all of the jap ones from OpenOSRS and all the other PvP ones on sketch clients like Exilent etc.

    • Like 1
  6. Do you find drama and beef enjoyable to some extent or would you prefer everything to be nice and respectful?

    Drama makes things interesting. There's a reason why it's the most popular genre of Television & Movies.


    Where do you draw the line? Is talking shit and flaming ok?

    As long as said flames are related to RS, I think all is fair. Some very light IRL flaming is sometimes fine (like calling someone a "dutch retard" etc). But it can cross the line pretty easily so it's a slippery slope.


    How do you think this effects how PvP is viewed amongst normal players?

    In my experience, the sort of toxicity you see in the clan/PvP scene is just an amplified version that you see in the regular game. The ddosing/doxing is pretty quite insane to normal players, but the general toxicity is probably relatable (especially those in the larger PvM/Completionist clans).


    What's been your favourite drama, beef or rivalry of the years? Any stories to tell?

    Can't say I have a favorite. Most of them have been pretty memorable in their own right.


    What's the dumbest shit you've seen another clan or individual do to someone else?

    Probably when I heard about what RoT did to Zybez Jim. That guy was a total freak but to go so far to try to ruin someone's life over spying, you could tell Mattbrazil was beyond offended and fuming. I've never seen something as degenerative and pathetic as that. Although I remember RoT doing the same thing to Reddevil#s in 2009. So I guess it's just a Mattbrazil thing. What a cringe loser.

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